Defining data

Defining data

Defining data to convert your data to an Add-In for Excel table. You can define an entire worksheet, or a subset or range of data within a worksheet.

Benefits of defined data

Define data using Add-In for Excel

  1. With an Excel worksheet active, click the ACL Add-In tab.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Optional to not use the first row of data as column headers, clear Use first row as column headers.
  4. Optional to open the Add-In for Excel table in a new worksheet, select Create new worksheet and name the worksheet in the ACL Add-In worksheet name field.
  5. In the Data Source Description field, enter a description and then click OK.

    The description is displayed in the Add-In for Excel table history.

Undefine data

Undefine data to remove the data protection and formatting from an Add-In for Excel table and convert it to a standard EXcel worksheet. The table history is permanently removed however row statuses, computed columns, and the content of the Notes column are retained.

  1. With a cell selected in the Add-In for Excel table, click the ACL Add-in tab.
  2. Click Undefine Data and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.