Uninstall AX Server

Remove AX Server and any related components. You must remove the components from each machine in your configuration to fully uninstall ACL GRC Analytics Exchange.


  1. On the server you want to uninstall the AX Server component from, navigate to the Windows Control Panel, and select Uninstall a program.
  2. Select the AX Server component you want to uninstall in the list and click Uninstall in the toolbar.
    • To uninstall AX Server, select Analytics Exchange Server
    • To uninstall PostgreSQL, select PostgreSQL 9.3
    • To uninstall AX Engine Node, select Analytics Exchange Engine Node
    • To uninstall the ACL Connector for Analytics Exchange, select ACL Connector for Analytics Exchange Server
  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
  4. If you are prompted to restart the server during the uninstallation process, click OK and restart the server after the uninstallation process completes.

Residual files

After you uninstall an AX Server component, you must manually remove the following files and folders to complete the uninstall:

AX Server

  • TomCat\conf
  • Data
  • Installation_backup

AX Engine Node

  • App
  • Data
  • Installation_backup


  • ACL\App\pgsqlversionNum\data

You can either delete AX Server database files or move the files to restore the database in another location.


If you move the database, delete the server.crt and server.key files because they are specific to the server they were created on.


If you are using Oracle as the database server for AX Server, the Oracle database is not removed when the application files are uninstalled.

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