Using the AX Server Configuration web application

Use the AX Server Configuration web application to configure AX Server. You must use the TomEE application server system account to access the configuration application.

Accessing the AX Server Configuration web application

By default, the AX Server Configuration web application is located at https://<servername>/aclconfig and accessible over a web browser.

AX Server Configuration web application credentials

The username and password for the TomEE application server system account are set during the AX Server installation.


If you cannot remember the credentials, reset them. For more information, see Managing the Apache TomEE service.

Activate AX Server

You can activate your AX Server online using the AX Server Configuration or offline using Launchpad.


You must have a valid Launchpad account with the appropriate permissions to activate AX Server. If you do not have an Launchpad account, contact your ACL account administrator.

Online activation

  1. Sign in to the AX Server Configuration web application (https://<servername>/aclconfig) and locate the Activation panel.
  2. From the Server Type list, select one of the following:
    • Production: the primary production server
    • Non-Production: the server used for non-production purposes such as testing and staging
    • Disaster Recovery: the server designated for disaster recovery or failover
  3. In Activation, enter your Launchpad credentials and click Select Org.
  4. From the Organizations list, select the organization the server belongs to and click Activate Server.

    Result: After the identification file imports, The server has been activated displays.

Offline activation

  1. Sign in to the AX Server Configuration (https://<servername>/aclconfig) web application and locate the Activation panel.
  2. From the Server Type list, select one of the following:
    • Production: the primary production server
    • Non-Production: the server used for non-production purposes such as testing and staging
    • Disaster Recovery: the server designated for disaster recovery or failover
  3. In Offline Activation, click Generate and save the machine identifier file AXOfflineActivation.mif on your local workstation.

    Your local workstation must have an Internet connection to access Launchpad and complete the rest of the activation.

  4. Sign in to Launchpad ( and select your organization.
  5. Select Options > Activations and on the left-hand side, click Offline Activation.
  6. Upload your activation file:
    1. Click Choose File, browse to your server machine identifier file AXOfflineActivation.mif and click Open.
    2. From the Application drop-down list, select the AX Server installation type.
    3. From the User drop-down list, select your name and then click Upload.

      Result: Once the machine identifier file uploads, the machine name of the server appears in the Activations list.

  7. Next to the name of the activated server, click Download Activation File and save the activation file analytics_exchange_server.oaf on your local workstation.
  8. From the AX Server Configuration web application, in the Offline Activation section, browse to the activation file that you downloaded from Launchpad and click Import.

    Result: After the identification file imports, The server has been activated displays.

Deactivate AX Server

You can deactivate your server from the AX Server Configuration web application. You must deactivate and then reactivate your server when renewing your subscription.


Although you can deactivate the server, you must contact ACL Support Services to have the server removed from the list of active AX Server installations displayed in Launchpad.

  1. Sign in to the AX Server Configuration web application and locate the Activation panel.
  2. Click Select Org.
  3. From the Organizations drop-down list, select the organization to which the server belongs and click Deactivate Server.

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