Using ACL GRC Analytics Exchange

ACL GRC Analytics Exchange provides three client applications for connecting to and working with data on your organization's AX Server instance: a Windows client application for user and analytic administration, a browser-based web client for interacting with audit content, and an ODBC connector for querying analytic results.

Which client application do I need?

Depending on your role in your organization, you may need to use one or more of the client applications included in ACL GRC Analytics Exchange.

Administrative users and script writers

If you are responsible for managing user roles and access for ACL GRC Analytics Exchange, or if you author analytic scripts that are scheduled to run on AX Server, you require an installation of AX Client.

AX Client is a desktop Windows application that connects to AX Server. For more information, see Using AX Client.

Analytic results consumers and non-technical specialists

If you are responsible for analyzing the results that are generated on AX Server, you require access to AX Web Client. All data visualization and charting functionality is available in this application.

AX Web Client is a browser-based web application that is hosted by AX Server. For more information, see Using AX Web Client.

Business Intelligence specialists

If you are responsible for further analyzing analytic results data in a third-party reporting tool such as Tableau or MS Excel, you require an installation of the ACL Connector for Analytics Exchange.

The ACL Connector for Analytics Exchange is an ODBC driver that connects to specific analytic results sets on AX Server so that you can import the data into your reporting tool of choice. For more information, see Connecting to analytic results using ODBC.

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