AX Server Windows services

AX Server uses three Windows services to perform most of the application functions on the server: Analytics Exchange Service, Analytics Exchange Connector, and Analytics Exchange Database.

Service overview

Analytics Exchange Service

This service runs the application server that hosts the Analytics Exchange applications.

The service is installed as a component of both AX Server and AX Engine Node. If AX Exception is installed on the same server as AX Server, the service also hosts the AX Exception applications.

Analytics Exchange Connector

This service enables users to use ACL Analytics to open ACL tables stored in AX Server, and to access DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server databases directly using ACL Analytics database profiles.

The service can also be used to process legacy offline scripts created for ACL Server Edition for Windows. This service is only installed on AX Server.

Analytics Exchange Database

This service runs the PostgreSQL Analytics Exchange database.

The database contains important security and configuration information for AX Server. This service is only installed if you use PostgreSQL as the database platform for AX Server.

Start the services

  1. On the server where the services are running, open the Services window from the Administrative Tools dialog box.
  2. In the list of services, right-click the service and select Start.


    If you are restarting the system or starting more than one service, you must start the services in the following order:

    • Analytics Exchange Database (PostgreSQL installations only)
    • Analytics Exchange Service
    • Analytics Exchange Connector

Stop the services

  1. On the server where the services are running, open the Services window from the Administrative Tools dialog box.
  2. In the list of services, right-click the service and select Stop.


    If you are stopping the system or stopping more than one service, you must stop the services in the following order:

    • Analytics Exchange Connector
    • Analytics Exchange Service
    • Analytics Exchange Database (PostgreSQL installations only)

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Saturday, April 20, 2019