Whitelisting file extensions

The file extension whitelist is an optional layer of security in AX Server that restricts the types of files that can be uploaded to the Related Files subfolder.


The file extension whitelist is enabled by default in new installations of AX Server version 5.3 and later. If you upgrade from a version earlier than 5.3, the whitelist is disabled by default.

How it works

The file extension whitelist specifies a comma-delimited list of file extensions that are permitted. If a user attempts to upload a file type not specified in the whitelist, the upload fails.


Only the file extension, not the file format, is checked when determining whether the file is included in the whitelist. A file with a whitelisted extension but different format can be uploaded. For example, if .xls is included in the whitelist and .exe is not included, an executable file called example.exe could be renamed example.xls and successfully uploaded.

There are a number of file extensions whitelisted by default, and some extensions that are permanently allowed regardless of whitelist settings:


Your file extension whitelist only contains .txt. Consequently, users can upload any file with a .txt extension, such as sample.txt. When users attempt to upload files with other extensions, such as .pdf, the upload fails.

Configure the file extension whitelist

Use the Server panel of the AX Server Configuration web application to configure the file extension whitelist:

  1. To enable or disable the whitelist, in the Enable whitelist section, select one of the following:
    • Yes
    • No
  2. Optional. To edit the whitelisted file extensions, in the File extension whitelist field, add or remove file extensions.

    File extensions that include one or more of the following characters are invalid and cannot be added to the whitelist: \ / ? : * " > < |.


    The whitelist must be enabled to edit the list of file extensions and you must enter extensions in comma-delimited format.

  3. Click Update Server Settings.

Default whitelisted file extensions


Excel files (.xls, .xlsx) can always be uploaded using Add-In for Excel regardless of whether the extensions are included in the whitelist.

File name extension File type
.accdb, .accde, .accdr, .accdt Microsoft Access file
.aclscript ACLScript file
.csv Comma separated values file
.dap ACCPAC file
.dat Data file
.dbf dBASE database file
.dbp Database profile
.del Delimited ASCII file
.dfe ACCPAC file
.doc, .docb, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx Microsoft Word file
.dsn Database source name file
.eap ACCPAC file
.inx ACL index file
.json JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file
.mdb Microsoft Access
.pdf PDF (portable document format) file
.pot, .potm, .potx, .ppam, pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx Microsoft PowerPoint file
.prf Microsoft Outlook file
.ps1 PowerShell script file
.rpt Crystal Reports report or output file
.sldm, .sldx Microsoft PowerPoint file
.txt Plain text file
.vbs VBScript file
.xla, .xlam, .xll, .xlm, .xls,.xlsb, .xslm, .xlsx, xlt, .xltm, .xltx, xlw Microsoft Excel file
.xml XML (extensible markup language) file
.zip Compressed file

Permanently allowed file extensions

The file types listed in the following table can be uploaded or imported by users with “Full permissions” on a collection or folder regardless of whether they are included in the whitelist. These file types are required to ensure functionality in various AX Server and ACL Analytics features.

File name extension File type
.acl ACL project file
.aclapp Packaged analysis app file
.aclx Analysis app file
.fmt Default table layout file in ACL Analytics prior to version 11
.layout Table layout file in ACL Analytics version 11 and later
.wsp ACL workspace file

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Saturday, April 20, 2019