Writing scripts for Analytics Exchange
ACL scripts are not limited to running in ACL Analytics only. By converting them into analytic scripts and packaging them in analysis apps, you can schedule and run scripts in Analytics Exchange too.
What do you need?
To complete this quick start, you need the following:
- an installation of AX Client with a working connection to an AX Server instance
- an installation of ACL Analytics with the same edition (Unicode or non-Unicode) as your Analytics Exchange installation
- access to the sample data that comes with ACL Analytics
By default, the sample data projects are installed at C:\Users\username\Documents\ACL Data\Sample Data Files on your local file system.
Script execution on AX Server
Analytics Exchange uses the AX Engine to run scripts identified as analytics on AX Server. Once a script is converted to an analytic and imported onto the server, each analytic script execution represents a single job with its own results set.
When an analytic runs on AX Server:
- A new temporary folder is created on the server for the job.
- The analytic and any associated tables are exported into a new ACL project in the temporary folder.
- The AX Engine on the server opens the ACL project, creates a new command log, and runs the analytic script.
- Any files, tables, or logs that the analytic header specifies are retained in a Results folder that is associated with the specific job execution.
- The temporary folder and files are deleted from the server.
Because the AX Engine executes analytic scripts in a temporary folder, use relative paths to reference folders and files on the server:
- script in ACL AnalyticsC:\ACL Data\MyProject\output\results
- script in Analytics Exchangeoutput\results
Converting a script to an analytic
You convert ACL scripts into analytics by including an analytic header and removing any ACL Analytics functionality that does not run on AX Server.
The following ACL script runs in ACL Analytics and does the following:
- Imports data from the Pay_scales.xlsx file from the ACL_Rockwood sample data using the IMPORT command.
- Sorts the data on an expression using the SORT command.
- Prompts the user for a number of records to extract using the ACCEPT command.
- Extracts the number of records the user specifies from the sorted table using the EXTRACT command.
SET SAFETY OFF COMMENT Import EXCEL data into project IMPORT EXCEL TO pay_scales "C:\Users\username\Documents\acl_working\pay_scales.fil" FROM "C:\Users\username\Documents\ACL Data\Sample Data Files\ACL_Rockwood\Pay_scales.xlsx" TABLE "Payscales$" KEEPTITLE FIELD "DEPARTMENT" C WID 19 AS "" FIELD "POSITION" C WID 25 AS "" FIELD "MIN_HOURLY" N WID 6 DEC 2 AS "" FIELD "MAX_HOURLY" N WID 6 DEC 2 AS "" COMMENT Open imported table and sort on difference between max and min hourly rate OPEN pay_scales SORT ON (MAX_HOURLY - MIN_HOURLY) D TO "pay_scales_sorted" OPEN COMMENT ask user for number of records to extrat from sorted table ACCEPT "Number of records to extract: " TO v_top COMMENT extract top N records based on difference EXTRACT FIELDS DEPARTMENT MAX_HOURLY MIN_HOURLY POSITION (MAX_HOURLY - MIN_HOURLY) AS "SALARY_D" IF RECNO() <= %v_top% TO "top_difference" OPEN SET SAFETY ON
Adding the analytic header
Start converting the script into an analytic by adding an analytic header at the top of the file.
An analytic header is a series of declarations that are enclosed inside a comment block at the start of a script. After you create and test a script in an ACL project, include an analytic header to convert it to an analytic script than runs in Analytics Exchange.
Analytic headers must start with the ANALYTIC tag that identifies the script as an analytic:
COMMENT //ANALYTIC TopWageGap Imports an EXCEL file and extracts the top N records based on wage gap END
For more information about analytic tags, see the Analytic headers and tags.
Changing the IMPORT command
Because the AX Engine executes analytic scripts in a temporary folder, change the IMPORT command's absolute paths to relative paths so that the AX Engine can locate files on the server:
COMMENT Import EXCEL data into project IMPORT EXCEL TO pay_scales "pay_scales.fil" FROM "Pay_scales.xlsx" TABLE "Payscales$" KEEPTITLE FIELD "DEPARTMENT" C WID 19 AS "" FIELD "POSITION" C WID 25 AS "" FIELD "MIN_HOURLY" N WID 6 DEC 2 AS "" FIELD "MAX_HOURLY" N WID 6 DEC 2 AS ""
You must also add the FILE tag to the header to specify the input file Pay_scales.xlsx:
COMMENT //ANALYTIC TopWageGap Imports an EXCEL file and extracts the top N records based on wage gap //FILE Pay_scales.xlsx END
The AX Engine looks for input files in the Related Files sub-folder in AX Server when the analytic executes. For more information, see FILE.
Remove user interaction
Because the analytic script runs on the server and without user interaction, you must remove any commands that ask for user input during execution. Check for common ACL script scenarios before importing the script into AX Server:
- interactive commands to accept user input that is normally entered in a dialog box, replace the following commands with input parameters: PAUSE, ACCEPT, DIALOG, PASSWORD
- overwriting files to overwrite files without confirmation, add SET SAFETY OFF at the beginning of the script, you can then reset this with SET SAFETY ON at the end of the script
- confirmation dialogs to avoid confirmation dialogs after the DELETE or RENAME command, use the OK parameter: DELETE table.fmt OK
In this case, you must remove the ACCEPT command and replace it with a parameter that is set in AX Client when the analytic is scheduled or run:
COMMENT Open imported table and sort on difference between max and min hourly rate OPEN pay_scales SORT ON (MAX_HOURLY - MIN_HOURLY) D TO "pay_scales_sorted" OPEN COMMENT extract top N records based on difference EXTRACT FIELDS DEPARTMENT MAX_HOURLY MIN_HOURLY POSITION (MAX_HOURLY - MIN_HOURLY) AS "SALARY_D" IF RECNO() <= %v_top% TO "top_difference" OPEN
You must add the parameter to the analytic header using the PARAM tag so that you can set the value for v_top from AX Client:
COMMENT //ANALYTIC TopWageGap Imports an EXCEL file and extracts the top N records based on wage gap //FILE Pay_scales.xlsx //PARAM v_top N v_top Number of records to extract END
When you run or schedule the analytic from AX Client, you are prompted for a numeric value that the AX Engine then uses wherever %v_top% appears in the analytic. For more information, see PARAM.
Saving analytic results
Just like you use analytic tags to define analytic inputs, you also use analytic tag declarations to define output tables and files that are saved to the Results sub-folder on AX Server. Only items that are specified using the RESULT tag in the analytic header are retained, while any other tables, files, or logs are discarded after the analytic job completes:
COMMENT //ANALYTIC TopWageGap Imports an EXCEL file and extracts the top N records based on wage gap //FILE Pay_scales.xlsx //RESULT LOG //RESULT TABLE top_difference //PARAM v_top N v_top Number of records to extract END
The log and top_difference table are now saved as results and available in AX Web Client after each execution of the analytic on AX Server. For more information, see RESULT.
The complete analytic
You can now import the complete analytic along with the related MS Excel file into a folder on AX Server. When the analytic runs, you specify the number of records to extract, and a table and log file are retained as results that are available from AX Web Client:
COMMENT //ANALYTIC TopWageGap Imports an EXCEL file and extracts the top N records based on wage gap //FILE Pay_scales.xlsx //RESULT LOG //RESULT TABLE top_difference //PARAM v_top N v_top Number of records to extract END SET SAFETY OFF COMMENT Import EXCEL data into project IMPORT EXCEL TO pay_scales "pay_scales.fil" FROM "Pay_scales.xlsx" TABLE "Payscales$" KEEPTITLE FIELD "DEPARTMENT" C WID 19 AS "" FIELD "POSITION" C WID 25 AS "" FIELD "MIN_HOURLY" N WID 6 DEC 2 AS "" FIELD "MAX_HOURLY" N WID 6 DEC 2 AS "" COMMENT Open imported table and sort on difference between max and min hourly rate OPEN pay_scales SORT ON (MAX_HOURLY - MIN_HOURLY) D TO "pay_scales_sorted" OPEN COMMENT extract top N records based on difference EXTRACT FIELDS DEPARTMENT MAX_HOURLY MIN_HOURLY POSITION (MAX_HOURLY - MIN_HOURLY) AS "SALARY_D" IF RECNO() <= %v_top% TO "top_difference" OPEN SET SAFETY ON