
Stores settings for the AX Engine.

File settings


References to AX Exception in the information that follows may no longer be relevant. AX Exception is a legacy application and no longer supported.

Configuring a connection between AX Server and AX Exception may still work, but it is not guaranteed to work.

Key Description


Specifies the location of the application files used to process analytics.


Specifies the location where temporary files are stored when analytics are being processed.

If the property is set to true in the file, all temporary job folders and files are retained in this folder.


Specifies the location of the AX Exception Dataloader. If AX Exception is installed, the application files in this subfolder are used to upload exception data for analytics run on the server to AX Exception.

This value can be modified using the AX Exception web application.


Specifies the maximum amount of memory allocated to each analytic data file transfer.

The property can be set to any value between 1 and 64. If the value entered is greater than 64MB, the maximum 64MB value will be used.


This setting is used to manage the available memory when multiple analytic run at the same time. This value only needs to be adjusted if multiple analytics run at the same time that access large data files, and your system is encountering out of memory errors. This setting is only used if the copyDataFiles property in the aclAuditExchange.xml configuration file is set to “yes”.

Default: 16MB.


Specifies the directory that the analytic job folder is copied to on failure if you choose to keep failed job folders when running an analytic.

Default: c:\ACL\Data\savedfailedjobs.

Folders are stored on the server or the engine node that the job ran on.


Jobs are deleted at 3:00 AM server time if the job folder created date is older than the number of says specified in the setting (5 days by default). The automatic deletion is logged in the axcore.log file.