AX Server settings

Use the AX Server Configuration web application to configure global server properties for AX Server.

Some properties are configured by the setup wizard when you initially install AX Server, but you can change them if your system configuration changes.


After you make a change in either the Server or Engine Nodes section, you must click the Update button at the bottom of the section you make the change in. If you do not click Update, your changes will not be saved.

Settings section

This section contains global server properties:

Property Description Notes
Default active directory domain

The Active Directory domain to use by default if a user does not specify a domain when they log in.


The default active directory domain cannot be changed once the server has been activated. If you want to change this setting, you must deactivate the server and then reactivate it after making the change. For more information, see Deactivate AX Server and Activate AX Server.

Server file transfer directory The directory that stores data files during file transfers.  
Data directory The directory that stores AX Server data files on the server.
  • The default setting is c:\ACL\Data\repository\datafiles
  • If you are installing one or more instances of AX Engine Node to process analytics, you must specify the data directory as a UNC path. A UNC path is a shared folder that is specified using the following format: \\servername\shared_folder

    You cannot use syntax, such as c$, to specify a drive. For example, \\ax_data\c$\datafiles is not supported.

    For more information, see Configuring a shared data folder.
Archive and restore data directory The directory where archived collections are stored on the server.

The directory location can be specified as:

  • a file path such as :\ACL\Data\Archive
  • a shared folder located at a UNC path such as \\servername\shared_folder

    You cannot use syntax, such as c$, to specify a drive. For example, \\ax_data\c$\datafiles is not supported.

Allow execute command?

Whether or not EXECUTE commands are processed in analytics. By default, this is set to No.


The EXECUTE command is available in Analytics version 10 and higher.

  • Yes: if an analytic includes the EXECUTE command, the command is processed
  • No: if an analytic includes the EXECUTE command, the command is skipped, a message is written to the log, and the analytic continues running
Enable results cleanup Whether or not to enable the Results Cleanup setting on the Configuration tab in Analytics. By default, this is set to No.
  • Yes: allows users with Full Permissions for an analytic to configure auto-deletion of jobs and associated results on the Configuration tab
  • No: Disables the Results Cleanup setting on the Configuration tab in Analytics
Start date for results cleanup Specifies a cutoff date for the results cleanup feature. No analytic jobs or associated results are deleted prior to the specified date, regardless of the Results Cleanup settings for an analytic. By default, this is set to 1900-01-01. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Enable whitelist Enables file extension allowlist security for importing and uploading. By default, this is set to Yes.
  • Yes: restricts file uploads and imports to the file extensions listed in the File extension whitelist field
  • No: does not apply an allowlist file extension restriction to imports and uploads
File extension whitelist A comma-delimited list of file extensions that are allowlisted for import and upload if the Enable whitelist setting is set to Yes.  

Connector section

This section contains Analytics Exchange Connector service properties:

Property Description Notes
Connector Working directory The directory on AX Server where the Analytics Exchange Connector service stores files that it creates.  
Port number The port number used to connect to the AX Connector service. By default, this is set to 10000. The port specified must match the port the service is configured to use.

Analytic email notifications section

This section contains Mail server settings used to email notifications on analytic failure.


To use email notifications on analytic failure, you must complete the configuration of this section so that AX Server can connect to your mail server.

Property Description Notes
SMTP server address The hostname or IP address of the mail server.
  • If a hostname is used, AX Server verifies that the server exists and it can connect to it
  • If an IP address is used, the format of the IP address is validated, but AX Server does not verify that the server exists
SMTP port

The mail server port to connect to.


SMTP by default uses TCP port 25. For more information, see Simple_Mail Transfer Protocol.

Sender email address

The email address that will be used as the From address when email notifications are sent.

SMTP user name The username required to send messages from the mail server. This value does not need to be entered if messages can be sent without logging in.
SMTP password

The password required to send messages from the mail server.

The password is stored as plain text in the aclauditexchange.xml configuration file on the server.

This value does not need to be entered if messages can be sent without logging in.
Attach log files to email notification

Whether or not to attach log files to the analytic fail notification email.


In the case of a failed analytic chain, the log for the specific analytic that fails is attached to the email.

  • Yes: analytic log files are attached to email notifications of analytic failure
  • No: analytic log files are not attached to email notifications of analytic failure
Maximum total attachment size (in MB)

The maximum total attachment size for analytic failure notification emails. By default, this is set to 10 MB.

If the total file attachment size exceeds the specified limit, no log files are attached to the email and the email notification indicates that the system omitted the logs due to a size constraint.

An integer with a minimum value of 0.


For best results, ensure your maximum value does not exceed the maximum value specified by your email client.

AX Exception section


References to AX Exception in the information that follows may no longer be relevant. AX Exception is a legacy application and no longer supported.

Configuring a connection between AX Server and AX Exception may still work, but it is not guaranteed to work.

This section contains AX Exception properties:

Property Description Notes
Data upload URL

If you have AX Exception installed, specify the web address to use to connect to AX Exception when uploading data.


Do not enter a value in this text box unless AX Exception is installed. It controls whether the Publish to AX Exception page is available in the Schedule wizard in AX Client.

The web address must be in the following format where <server_name> is the hostname or IP address of the server where AX Exception is installed: https://<server_name>/exceptionmgmt.

Management console section

This section contains TomEE application server properties:

Property Description
Tomcat Web Application Manager Opens the Apache TomEE web application manager where you can verify the status of Tomcat Web Applications and manage them as necessary.

Activation section

This section contains AX Server activation properties:

Property Description
Server Type To activate the server, select the server type and enter your Launchpad account email and password. You must have a valid Launchpad account with the appropriate permissions to activate AX Server. For more information about activating AX Server, including offline activation, see Activate AX Server. For information about deactivating AX Server, see Deactivate AX Server.

Add AX Administrator section

This section contains AX Server admin user properties:

Property Description
Add AX administrator User accounts added here are automatically added to the AX Server Administrator role. You can also add administrators by creating users and assigning the Administrator role in AX Client. For more information, see Add an AX Server administrator.

Engine nodes section

This section contains AX Engine Node admin user properties:

Property Description Notes
Maintenance Enables maintenance mode to temporarily disable all scheduled jobs. When maintenance mode is disabled, job schedules resume.  

The Jobs (max) field sets the maximum number of analytic jobs that can be processed simultaneously on the AX Engine Node or AX Server entry. You may set different values per node.


As the number of jobs increases, the amount of time required to complete each job also increases as each job competes for system resources.

If you are using AX Server to process analytics, which is the default behavior if no instances of AX Engine Node are configured, you can adjust the maximum number of analytic jobs that can be processed at the same time. In the Engine Nodes column, modify the value in the Jobs (max) field.