Troubleshooting a server connection

If you cannot connect to AX Server from AX Client, check the error type and try the possible solutions for the error.


If you cannot resolve the issue, contact your Analytics Exchange administrator. If you are the administrator, contact Support.

Connection errors

Error type Possible solutions
Security certificate error
  • if you are using a self-signed certificate, ensure you auto-accept the certificate from the Tools menu
  • check that the certificate is not expired
  • check your client connection settings to ensure that you have entered the server address using the hostname or IP address as specified by the certificate
  • check that your certificate type is supported by the Java version installed with AX Server


    If you are using a CA certificate that is not supported by Java, try importing the certificate into the Java trust certificate store. For more information, see Installing security certificates for AX Server.

General connection error
  • if you are connecting across a firewall, check that the required ports are open for inbound communication on the server
  • check your client connection settings to ensure that you have entered the correct server address

For more information, see Firewall settings.

Authentication error Ensure you are using the correct user credential format. For more information, see Credential formats.

Firewall settings

If you are connecting to AX Server across a firewall, ensure the required ports are open for inbound communication:

Port Component Description


Tomcat Connector HTTPS

Used to enable HTTPS connections to the web server for the AX Web Client and AX Server Configuration web applications, and for secure file transfers to and from AX Server.

This port is also required for using aclscript.exe to communicate with HighBond.


The default value for servers upgraded from versions prior to 5.0.0 is 8443.

10000 AX Connector Used to enable access to AX Server tables from client computers through Analytics.
4201 AX Engine Node Used to connect AX Engine Node to the master AX Server. If the AX Engine Node and AX Server are communicating across a firewall, you must open this port.

Credential formats

To authenticate, you must enter your user credentials in a required format:

Domain Machine Format
Default domain for AX Server Remote desktop username
Not default domain for AX Server Remote desktop
  • domain\username
Local Windows account AX Server machine
  • server_name\username
  • username@server_name