Setup the Active Directory Domain Controller server, AX Server, and the desktop environment for each client application end user to configure Integrated Windows Authentication.
Create a new Windows Service Principal Name (SPN) account in Active Directory to map the AX Server authentication service to an Active Directory account.
Map the AX Server authentication service to the Active Directory SPN account using the ktpass command.
The default location is c:\Program Files\Support Tools.
ktpass /out filename /princ name /pass password /mapuser local_username /ptype principal_type /crypto encryption_type
For ktpass syntax, see Microsoft Ktpass reference.
ktpass /out 'C:\ax.keytab' /princ HTTP/ /pass pass1234 /mapuser AXSSO /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /crypto RC4-HMAC-NT
Register an SPN for the AX Connector service using the setspn command.
The default location is c:\Program Files\Support Tools.
setspn -A ACLSE/full_domain_and_servernamecomputer_name
ACLSE is the required value to identify AX Connector and must be entered in all caps. The computer_name value can be entered as name or domain\name.
setspn -L computer_name
setspn -A ACLSE/ axserver
Optionally, copy the keytab file to the AX Server instance and use the kinit command to test your SPN account mapping.
Prerequisite: Add the Java bin subfolder to your path environment variable to use the klist command without specifying the full path.
set PATH=java_bin_path;%PATH%
klist -k
kinit username@REALM.COM
[libdefaults] ticket_lifetime = 24000 default_realm = <domain> default_keytab_name = <path_to_keytab_file> dns_lookup_realm = false dns_lookup_kdc = false default_tkt_enctypes = rc4-hmac default_tgs_encrypes = rc4-hmac [realms] <domain> = { kdc = <>:88 } [domain_realm] <.domain> = <DOMAIN> <domain> = <DOMAIN>
Enable Integrated Windows Authentication from Internet Explorer in each end user's desktop environment.
The updated settings take effect the next time Internet Explorer is launched.