Using AX Web Client > Interpretations and Visualizations > Visualizing results data in charts > Chart display options

Chart display options

Use chart display options to customize the appearance of your chart.

Setting Applicable charts Description
General display settings
Legend All charts Shows or hides the legend from the chart.
Rotate Horizontal Bar chart Changes the orientation of the chart from vertical to horizontal.
Round edges Line chart

Smooths the lines on the chart.

Smoothing lines gives a general impression of data trends, which may be appropriate for some presentations. If representing data absolutely accurately is important, avoid using this option.

Percentages Pie chart Shows or hides the labels from pie segments.
Values Pie chart Displays the values of each slice of the pie chart.
Donut Pie chart Displays the chart with a hole in the middle.
Donut hole ratio Pie chart Increases or decreases the white space inside the donut hole.
Bottom margin (in pixels) Pie chart Adjusts the number to increase or decrease the white space at the bottom of the chart.
Left margin (in pixels) Pie chart Adjusts the number to increase or decrease the white space at the left of the chart.
X-Axis display settings
Show label
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart
Shows or hide the X-axis label.
Margin (in pixels)
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart
Adjusts the number to increase or decrease the white space at the bottom of the chart.
Tick Mark Rotation (in degrees)
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart
  • Heat map chart
Adjusts the number from -90 to 90 to rotate the data marker labels left or right. A setting of “0” positions the labels perfectly level.
Stagger Tick Marks Bar chart Staggers the data marker labels. The staggered labels are positioned level regardless of the rotation setting.
Y-Axis display settings
Show label
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart
Shows or hide the Y-axis label.
Margin (in pixels)
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart
Adjusts the number to increase or decrease the white space to the left of the chart.
Axis Label Distance (in pixels)
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart
Adjusts the number to increase or decrease the distance between the Y-axis label and the Y-axis. You can enter a negative number, such as -100, to move the label to the right of the axis and into the chart area.
Data display settings
Sort by
  • Bar chart
  • Stacked area chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Line chart

Sort visualization data using the aggregation type in the x-axis according to one of the following orders:

  • Ascending displays values from lowest to highest
  • Descending displays values from highest to lowest
  • Default displays values alphabetically along the x-axis
Colors All charts Specifies a color scheme for data segments if you have selected a Color by field or a pie chart.