CLASSIFY command
Groups records based on identical values in a character or numeric field. Counts the number of records in each group, and also subtotals specified numeric fields for each group.
CLASSIFY <ON> key_field <SUBTOTAL numeric_field <...n>|SUBTOTAL ALL> <INTERVALS number> <SUPPRESS> <TO {SCREEN|table_name|GRAPH|PRINT}> <IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST range|NEXT range> <HEADER header_text> <FOOTER footer_text> <KEY break_field> <OPEN> <APPEND> <LOCAL> <STATISTICS>
Name | Description |
ON key_field |
The character or numeric field to classify. Maximum key field length is 2048 characters. If you want to classify a table using a key field longer than 2048 characters, use the SUMMARIZE command. It does not restrict key field length. |
SUBTOTAL numeric_field <...n> | SUBTOTAL ALL optional |
One or more numeric fields or expressions to subtotal for each group. Multiple fields must be separated by spaces. Specify ALL to subtotal all the numeric fields in the table. |
INTERVALS number optional |
The maximum number of groups in the output result. If the number of sets of identical values in the field being classified exceeds the specified maximum, sets are used starting from the top of the column. Sets exceeding the maximum are grouped together in a group called "OTHER". If INTERVALS is omitted, a group is created for each set of identical values in the field being classified. Note This parameter is not available in the Analytics user interface and can only be used as part of ACLScript syntax in a script or the command line. |
SUPPRESS optional |
Note Cannot be used unless INTERVALS is also specified. SUPPRESS is not available in the Analytics user interface and can only be used as part of ACLScript syntax in a script or the command line. Excludes sets of identical values exceeding the maximum specified by INTERVALS from the command output. |
TO SCREEN | table_name | GRAPH | PRINT |
The location to send the results of the command to:
IF test optional |
A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed on only those records that satisfy the condition. Note The IF parameter is evaluated against only the records remaining in a table after any scope parameters have been applied (WHILE, FIRST, NEXT). |
WHILE test optional |
A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed until the condition evaluates as false, or the end of the table is reached. Note If you use WHILE in conjunction with FIRST or NEXT, record processing stops as soon as one limit is reached. |
FIRST range | NEXT range optional |
The number of records to process:
Use range to specify the number of records to process. If you omit FIRST and NEXT, all records are processed by default. |
HEADER header_text optional |
The text to insert at the top of each page of a report. header_text must be specified as a quoted string. The value overrides the Analytics HEADER system variable. |
FOOTER footer_text optional |
The text to insert at the bottom of each page of a report. footer_text must be specified as a quoted string. The value overrides the Analytics FOOTER system variable. |
KEY break_field optional |
The field or expression that groups subtotal calculations. A subtotal is calculated each time the value of break_field changes. break_field must be a character field or expression. You can specify only one field, but you can use an expression that contains more than one field. |
OPEN optional |
Opens the table created by the command after the command executes. Only valid if the command creates an output table. |
APPEND optional |
Appends the command output to the end of an existing file instead of overwriting it. Note You must ensure that the structure of the command output and the existing file are identical:
Analytics appends output to an existing file regardless of its structure. If the structure of the output and the existing file do not match, jumbled, missing, or inaccurate data can result. |
LOCAL optional |
Saves the output file in the same location as the Analytics project. Note Applicable only when running the command against a server table with an output file that is an Analytics table. |
STATISTICS optional |
Note Cannot be used unless SUBTOTAL is also specified. Calculates average, minimum, and maximum values for all SUBTOTAL fields. |
Total transaction amount per customer
You want to classify an accounts receivable table on the Customer_Number field and subtotal the Trans_Amount field. The output results are grouped by customer, and include the total transaction amount for each customer:
OPEN Ar CLASSIFY ON Customer_Number SUBTOTAL Trans_Amount TO "Customer_total.FIL"
Total, average, minimum, and maximum transaction amounts per customer
As with the previous example, you classify an accounts receivable table on the Customer_Number field and subtotal the Trans_Amount field.
Now you include STATISTICS to calculate the average, minimum, and maximum transaction amounts for each customer:
OPEN Ar CLASSIFY ON Customer_Number SUBTOTAL Trans_Amount TO "Customer_stats.FIL" STATISTICS
Identical invoice amounts
You need to identify invoice amounts that appear more than once in the Ap_Trans table.
To do this, you classify the table on the Invoice_Amount field. The output results are grouped by invoice amount with an associated count that you can use to identify any invoice amounts that occur more than once:
OPEN Ap_Trans CLASSIFY ON Invoice_Amount TO "Grouped_invoice_amounts.FIL" OPEN SET FILTER TO COUNT > 1
For more information about how this command works, see the Analytics Help.
How it works
CLASSIFY groups records that have the same value in a character or numeric field.
Output contains a single record for each group, with a count of the number of records in the source table that belong to the group.
Sorting and CLASSIFY
CLASSIFY can process either sorted or unsorted data. Output is automatically sorted in ascending order.
Names of auto-generated subtotal and statistics fields
If you use STATISTICS to perform statistical calculations on one or more SUBTOTAL fields, and output the results to an Analytics table, the fields auto-generated by the parameters have the following names:
Description of auto-generated field |
Field name in output table |
Alternate column title (display name) in output table |
Subtotal field |
subtotaled field name in source table |
Total + subtotaled alternate column title in source table |
Average field |
a_subtotaled field name in source table |
Average + subtotaled alternate column title in source table |
Minimum field |
m_subtotaled field name in source table |
Minimum + subtotaled alternate column title in source table |
Maximum field |
x_subtotaled field name in source table |
Maximum + subtotaled alternate column title in source table |