EXTRACT command

Extracts data from an Analytics table and outputs it to a new Analytics table, or appends it to an existing Analytics table. You can extract entire records or selected fields.


EXTRACT {RECORD|FIELDS field_name <AS display_name> <...n>|FIELDS ALL}  TO table_name <LOCAL> <IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST range|NEXT range> <EOF> <APPEND> <OPEN>


Name Description

The fields to include in the output:

  • RECORD use the entire record in the source data file: all fields in the table, and any undefined portions of the record

    Fields are used in the order that they appear in the table layout.

    Preserves computed fields.

  • FIELDS field_name use the specified fields

    Fields are used in the order that you list them.

    Converts computed fields to physical fields of the appropriate data type in the destination table – ASCII or Unicode (depending on the edition of Analytics), ACL (the native numeric data type), Datetime, or Logical. Populates the physical fields with the actual computed values.

  • FIELDS ALL use all fields in the table

    Fields are used in the order that they appear in the table layout.

    Converts computed fields to physical fields of the appropriate data type in the destination table – ASCII or Unicode (depending on the edition of Analytics), ACL (the native numeric data type), Datetime, or Logical. Populates the physical fields with the actual computed values.

AS display_name


Only used when extracting using FIELDS field_name.

The display name (alternate column title) for the field in the view in the new Analytics table. If you want the display name to be the same as the field name, or an existing display name in the source table, do not use AS.

Specify display_name as a quoted string. Use a semi-colon (;) between words if you want a line break in the column title.


AS works only when extracting to a new table. If you are appending to an existing table, the alternate column titles in the existing table take precedence.

TO table_name

The location to send the results of the command to:

  • table_name saves the results to an Analytics table

    Specify table_name as a quoted string with a .FIL file extension. For example: TO "Output.FIL"

    By default, the table data file (.FIL) is saved to the folder containing the Analytics project.

    Use either an absolute or relative file path to save the data file to a different, existing folder:

    • TO "C:\Output.FIL"
    • TO "Results\Output.FIL"


    Table names are limited to 64 alphanumeric characters, not including the .FIL extension. The name can include the underscore character ( _ ), but no other special characters, or any spaces. The name cannot start with a number.



Saves the output file in the same location as the Analytics project.


Applicable only when running the command against a server table with an output file that is an Analytics table.

The LOCAL parameter must immediately follow the TO parameter.

IF test


A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed on only those records that satisfy the condition.


The IF parameter is evaluated against only the records remaining in a table after any scope parameters have been applied (WHILE, FIRST, NEXT).

WHILE test


A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed until the condition evaluates as false, or the end of the table is reached.


If you use WHILE in conjunction with FIRST or NEXT, record processing stops as soon as one limit is reached.

FIRST range | NEXT range


The number of records to process:

  • FIRST start processing from the first record until the specified number of records is reached
  • NEXT start processing from the currently selected record until the specified number of records is reached

Use range to specify the number of records to process.

If you omit FIRST and NEXT, all records are processed by default.



Execute the command one more time after the end of the file has been reached.

This ensures that the final record in the table is processed when inside a GROUP command. Only use EOF if all fields are computed fields referring to earlier records.



Appends the command output to the end of an existing file instead of overwriting it.


You must ensure that the structure of the command output and the existing file are identical:

  • the same fields
  • the same field order
  • matching fields are the same length
  • matching fields are the same data type

Analytics appends output to an existing file regardless of its structure. If the structure of the output and the existing file do not match, jumbled, missing, or inaccurate data can result.



Opens the table created by the command after the command executes. Only valid if the command creates an output table.


Extracting all records in a table to a new table

You create an exact duplicate of the AR_Customer table by extracting all the records to a new Analytics table. Any computed fields are preserved as computed fields:

OPEN AR_Customer

Extracting all fields in a table to a new table

You extract all defined fields in the AR_Customer table to a new Analytics table. Any computed fields are converted to physical fields and populated with the actual computed values:

OPEN AR_Customer

Extracting all records in a table and appending them to an existing table

You extract all the records in the AR_Customer table and append them as a group to the end of the AR_Customer_Master table:

OPEN AR_Customer

Extracting all records in a table and appending them to an existing table in a different folder

You extract all the records in the AR_Customer table and append them as a group to the end of the AR_Customer_Master table, which is in a folder other than the Analytics project folder:

OPEN AR_Customer
EXTRACT RECORD TO "C:\Users\Customer Data\AR_Customer_Master" APPEND

Extracting a subset of fields from a table to a new table

You extract three fields from the AR_Customer table to a new Analytics table:

OPEN AR_Customer
EXTRACT FIELDS Name Due Date TO "AR_Customer_Dates.fil"

Creating display names for extracted fields

You extract three fields from the AR_Customer table and create display names for the fields in the new Analytics table:

OPEN AR_Customer
EXTRACT FIELDS Name AS "Customer;Name" Due AS "Due;Date" Date AS "Invoice;Date" TO "AR_Customer_Dates.fil"

Extracting fields based on a condition

You extract three fields from the AR_Customer table to a new Analytics table if the date in the Due field is before July 1, 2014:

OPEN AR_Customer
EXTRACT FIELDS Name Due Date IF Due < `20140701` TO "Overdue.fil"



For more information about how this command works, see the Analytics Help.

EXTRACT vs Copying a table

EXTRACT creates a new source data file (.fil) as well as a new table layout.

Copying a table using the Navigator (Edit > Copy) creates a new table layout that remains associated with the original source data file. It does not create a new data file.