LAST( ) function

Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a string.


LAST(string, length)


Name Type Description
string character The field, expression, or literal value to return the characters from.
length numeric The number of characters to return.




Basic examples

Returns "Savings":

LAST("Account Type: Savings", 7)

Returns "efghi":

LAST("abcdefghi", 5)

Returns "fghi ":

LAST("abcdefghi ", 5)

Returns "   abc", because the string value is shorter than the specified length of 6, so leading spaces are added to the output:

LAST("abc", 6)


Blank results caused by trailing spaces

Trailing spaces in string can cause the results produced by the LAST( ) function to be blank.

For example, the output for LAST("6483-30384   ", 3) is "   ".

You can use the ALLTRIM( ) function in conjunction with LAST( ) to remove any trailing spaces in string.

For example, LAST(ALLTRIM("6483-30384   "), 3) returns "384".

Returning characters from the start of a string

If you want to return a specified number of characters from the start of a string, use the SUBSTR( ) function. For more information, see SUBSTR( ) function.