Get help with Analytics
There are several ways to get help when you are working with Analytics.
Context-sensitive Help
Press F1 from
any location in Analytics, or click the Help button from most locations, to open a Help topic
that explains the currently active window, dialog box, tab, or wizard
From this initial Help topic you can often click links to access additional, more detailed information in the online Help.
Online Help and documentation
From the Analytics main menu, select Help > Analytics Help to access the online Help directly, without any context sensitivity.
Generally, you should use the most recent version of the Help even if you are using an older version of Analytics. If required, older versions of the Help are available. See Help for previous versions.
Software version and subscription information
From the Analytics main menu, select Help > About to open a dialog box with the following information:
- software version number
- edition type (Unicode or non-Unicode)
- name and company of the subscription license holder
- subscription expiry date
Go to Community, a web-based platform with a variety of customer resources, including a customer forum where you can post questions about Analytics features and functionality.
(Account sign-in required)
From the Analytics main menu, select Help > Contact Galvanize to open a web browser and connect to Support.