EXP( ) function

Returns the exponential value (base 10) of a numeric expression with a specified number of decimal places.


EXP(number, decimals)


Name Type Description
number numeric The numeric field, expression, or value to return the exponential value of.
decimals numeric The number of decimals to include in the return value.




Basic examples

Returns 1000.00:

EXP(3, 2)

Returns 72443.596007:

EXP(4.86, 6)

Advanced examples

Finding the cube root

Creates a field that is the cube root of the field X to two decimal places:

DEFINE FIELD cube_root COMPUTED EXP(LOG(X, 6) / 3, 2)

You can determine the nth root by dividing the log of the value by n and taking the exponential of the result.


How it works

This function returns the exponential value (base 10) of a numeric expression, which is defined as 10 raised to the nth power. For example, the exponential value of 3 is 103, or 1000.

When to use EXP( )

Use EXP( ) for financial applications requiring complex mathematical calculations. EXP( ) performs the same operation as the exponentiation operator (^), but can be useful in applications that also use the LOG( ) function.

Related functions

The inverse of an exponent is its logarithm, so EXP( ) is the opposite of the LOG( ) function.