Importing from ScriptHub

ScriptHub is a web-based library of Analytics scripted items developed by Diligent employees and the Diligent user community. As part of your subscription, you can download and use any of the content in ScriptHub.

ScriptHub includes:

  • Analytics
  • Scripts to import, prepare, or analyze data
  • Code snippets
  • Analysis apps

You can access ScriptHub from the following locations:

Import content from ScriptHub to Analytics

You can use either of the methods outlined below to import content from ScriptHub to Analytics.

Access ScriptHub through Analytics


Requires Analytics  version 12 (or higher).

  1. Open an Analytics project.
  2. In the Navigator, right-click the top-level project item and select Import from ScriptHub.
  3. If required, sign in to ScriptHub using your HighBond account.
  4. In ScriptHub, find the item you want to import and click View details.


    Make sure that you read the contents in the Script Details, which includes important information about prerequisites, data requirements, and limitations.

  5. At the top of the Script Files panel, click Download All Script Files .

    The ScriptHub content downloads and appears in the Navigator.

Access ScriptHub directly


Requires Analytics  version 11.4 (or higher).

  1. Sign in to ScriptHub ( using your HighBond account.
  2. In ScriptHub, find the item you want to import and click View details.


    Make sure that you read the contents in the Script Details, which includes important information about prerequisites, data requirements, and limitations.

  3. Copy the ID that appears in the ScriptHub ID text box.
  4. In an Analytics project, do one of the following:
    • If you are importing an analysis app, an analytic, or a script, create a new script.
    • If you are importing a code snippet, open an existing script you want to paste the snippet into.
  5. Click ScriptHub Access  in the Script Editor toolbar to display the Paste ScriptHub content link dialog box.
  6. Click Paste to paste the ScriptHub ID into the dialog box.
  7. Click Done.

    The ScriptHub content downloads and appears in the Navigator.


    Code snippets are inserted into the open script. Analysis apps, analytics, and scripts appear as separate scripts in the Navigator. In this situation you can delete the empty script you used to import the items.