Configuring Analytics options

Use the Options dialog box to configure a variety of options that control how Analytics features behave.

If required, you can configure the options differently for individual Analytics projects. For more information, see How Analytics preferences files work.

Revert all options to the default settings

To revert all configurable options to the Analytics default settings, click Factory at the bottom of the Options dialog box.


Clicking Factory sets all options on all Options tabs to their default settings, not just the options on the active tab.

Settings stored in a preferences file

Settings for the configurable options are stored in a preferences file (.prf file). For more information, see How Analytics preferences files work.


  1. From the Analytics main menu, select Tools > Options.
  2. Click the tab with the option that you want to change and modify the setting.

    The following tabs are used to group related options:

  3. Click OK to save your changes.