Specifies that the results output by an analytic script are available in Robots to end users.

Output results, even if they exist, are not automatically made available.


If your organization uses an on-premise Robots Agent, specifying a RESULT tag may upload data from the agent to the cloud-based Robots app in HighBond. For information, see Uploads to the cloud-based Robots app.


//RESULT typename


Name Description

The type of result item:

  • TABLE – an Analytics table and associated data file (.fil)
  • LOG – an analytic log file
  • FILE – a non-Analytics file


Do not use //RESULT LOG or //RESULT FILE if your organization uses an on-premise Robots Agent and has disabled file uploads to Robots. For more information, see Uploads to the cloud-based Robots app.

For more information about logs, see How log files are output.


The name of the result item.


The name value must exactly match the name of the result item in the analytic script. You are not naming an item with name, you are matching a name specified in the script.

You can use wildcard characters in name to assist with matching a name in the script.

You cannot use a variable for name.

Table name

The name value specifies an Analytics table name. You must specify the table name, not the source data file name.


//RESULT TABLE Missing_Checks


//RESULT TABLE Missing_Checks.fil

Do not include any spaces in name.

Do not use any of the following characters in name. They are not supported:

! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - + = { } [ ] | \ : ; ' " < > , / . ` ~

Log name

Optional. The name value specifies an analytic log file name. If you do not specify name, the default log name is used: analytic_name.log.


If you specify a log name, SET LOG TO log_name must appear in the script.

Do not include any spaces in name.

Do not use any of the following characters in name. They are not supported:

< > : " \ / |

File name

The name value specifies a non-Analytics file name.

You must specify the appropriate file extension for the type of non-Analytics file being output.


//RESULT FILE Missing_Checks.xlsx


//RESULT FILE Missing_Checks

Do not include any spaces in name.

Do not use any of the following characters in name. They are not supported:

< > : " \ / |

Wildcard characters

Use one or more wildcard characters in name to assist with matching a table, log, or file name in the script. Use a single asterisk ( * ) to substitute for zero or more consecutive characters.

Patterns created by mixing wildcard and literal characters allow you to match all items of a particular type (for example, *.xlsx ), or items where part of the name may change based on a variable definition in the script.



Descriptive text about the result or other information. The description can be multiline, but it cannot skip lines.

The description appears in the analytic header only and is not visible to end users in Robots.


Basic examples

RESULT tag for an Analytics table:

//RESULT TABLE Missing_Checks

RESULT tag for an analytic log with the default name:


RESULT tag for an analytic log with a specified name:

//RESULT LOG My_log_name
SET LOG TO My_log_name

RESULT tag for a specific Excel file:

//RESULT FILE Missing_Checks.xlsx

RESULT tag for all Excel files:

//RESULT FILE *.xlsx

Advanced examples

Table name with a month that varies

An output table name includes the month (invoices-jan, invoices-feb, and so on), so you specify invoices-* to ensure that the table is made available in the results regardless of the month suffix:

//RESULT TABLE invoices-*

Log name with a date that varies

A log file name includes a datestamp (prepare_invoice_table_31072019, and so on), so you specify prepare_invoice_table_* to ensure that the log file is made available in the results regardless of the datestamp:

//RESULT LOG prepare_invoice_table_*

File name with a month that varies

An output file name includes the month (invoices-jan.xlsx, invoices-feb.xlsx, and so on), so you specify invoices-*.xlsx to ensure that the file is made available in the results regardless of the month suffix:

//RESULT FILE invoices-*.xlsx

File name with a month and a format that vary

An output file name includes the month and is output in different formats (invoices-jan.xlsx, invoices-jan.del, and so on), so you specify invoices-*.* to ensure that the files are made available in the results regardless of the month suffix or file type:

//RESULT FILE invoices-*.*


Uploads to the cloud-based Robots app

If your organization uses an on-premise Robots Agent, specifying a RESULT tag in an analytic header may upload data from the agent to the cloud-based Robots app in HighBond. All data is encrypted in transit, and when stored in Robots.

The Permitted file uploads configuration setting in Robots controls whether output results specified by the RESULT tag are:

  • uploaded to Robots
  • restricted to being output locally on the server where the Robots Agent is installed

For more information about the configuration setting, see Configuring a Robots Agent.

  Analytic tag "Permitted file uploads" setting:
Result files and logs only Result tables, files, and logs File uploads not permitted

Analytics result table layouts only are uploaded (field name, data type, field length)

Result table data remains on the server in your network

Analytics result tables (layout and data) are uploaded

Analytics result table layouts only are uploaded (field name, data type, field length)

Result table data remains on the server in your network


Analytics log files, for both successful and failed tasks, are uploaded

Analytics log files, for both successful and failed tasks, are uploaded

Do not specify, causes an analytic script to fail


Non-Analytics result files (such as Excel) are uploaded

Non-Analytics result files (such as Excel) are uploaded

Do not specify, causes an analytic script to fail

How log files are output

How log files for analytic scripts are output depends on:

  • whether a script succeeded or failed
  • whether a script is running on your network or in the cloud
  • the Permitted file uploads configuration setting (on-premise Robots Agent only)

    For more information about the configuration setting, see Configuring a Robots Agent.

Analytic script succeeded

On-premise Robots Agent Cloud-based Robots Agent
  • RESULT LOG specified

    log file uploaded to cloud-based Robots app, unless Permitted file uploads setting = "File uploads not permitted"

  • RESULT LOG not specified

    no log file

  • RESULT LOG specified

    log file output to cloud-based Robots app

  • RESULT LOG not specified

    no log file

Analytic script failed

On-premise Robots Agent Cloud-based Robots Agent
  • RESULT LOG tag not considered

    log file automatically uploaded to cloud-based Robots app, unless Permitted file uploads setting = "File uploads not permitted"

  • RESULT LOG tag not considered

    log file automatically output to cloud-based Robots app