RCOMMAND command

Concept Information

Running R scripts

Passes an Analytics table to an external R script as a data frame and creates a new table in the Analytics project using output from the external R script.


RCOMMAND FIELDS field <...n> RSCRIPT path_to_script TO table_name <IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST range|NEXT range> <KEEPTITLE> <SEPARATOR character> <QUALIFIER character> <OPEN>


Name Description
FIELDS field_name <...n>

The fields from the source Analytics table, or the expressions, to include in the data frame that is sent to the R script.

Depending on the edition of Analytics that you are using, you may encounter errors when sending data containing some special characters to R:

  • non-Unicode "\"
  • Unicode "ÿ" or "Ŝ"
  • Both box drawing characters such as blocks, black squares, and vertical broken bars


Mixed language data is also not supported, for example a table containing both Japanese and Chinese characters.

RSCRIPT path_to_script

The full or relative path to the R script on the file system. Enclose path_to_script in quotation marks.

TO table_name

The location to send the results of the command to:

  • table_name saves the results to an Analytics table

    Specify table_name as a quoted string with a .FIL file extension. For example: TO "Output.FIL"

    By default, the table data file (.FIL) is saved to the folder containing the Analytics project.

    Use either an absolute or relative file path to save the data file to a different, existing folder:

    • TO "C:\Output.FIL"
    • TO "Results\Output.FIL"


    Table names are limited to 64 alphanumeric characters, not including the .FIL extension. The name can include the underscore character ( _ ), but no other special characters, or any spaces. The name cannot start with a number.

The output table is created from the data frame or matrix that the R script returns.

IF test


A condition that must be met to process the current record. The data frame passed to the R script contains only those records that meet the condition.
WHILE test


A conditional expression that must be true in order to process each record. The command is executed until the condition evaluates as false, or the end of the table is reached.


If you use WHILE in conjunction with FIRST or NEXT, record processing stops as soon as one limit is reached.

FIRST range | NEXT range


The number of records to process:

  • FIRST start processing from the first record until the specified number of records is reached
  • NEXT start processing from the currently selected record until the specified number of records is reached

Use range to specify the number of records to process.

If you omit FIRST and NEXT, all records are processed by default.


There is a known issue in the current version with NEXT when running the RCOMMAND. Avoid using this option as the record reference may reset to the first record regardless of which record is selected.



Treat the first row of data as field names instead of data. If omitted, generic field names are used.

This option is required if you want to retrieve data using column names in the R script.

SEPARATOR character


The character to use as the separator between fields. You must specify the character as a quoted string.

The default character is a comma.


Avoid using any characters that appear in the input fields. If the SEPARATOR character appears in the input data, the results may be affected.

QUALIFIER character


The character to use as the text qualifier to wrap and identify field values. You must specify the character as a quoted string.

The default character is a double quotation mark.


Avoid using any characters that appear in the input fields. If the QUALIFIER character appears in the input data, the results may be affected.



Opens the table created by the command after the command executes. Only valid if the command creates an output table.


Getting R up and running (Hello world)

You create a hello world script to test your connection between Analytics and R:

Analytics command

RCOMMAND FIELDS "Hello", ", world!" TO "r_result" RSCRIPT "C:\scripts\r_scripts\analysis.r"

R script (analysis.r)


# create table to send back to ACL

# add column names and send table back to ACL
colnames(output) <- c("Greeting","Subject")

Accessing field data using row and column coordinates

You send a number of invoice fields to an R script for analysis outside Analytics:

Analytics command

RCOMMAND FIELDS Department_Code Invoice_Amount Invoice_Date Invoice_Number Vendor_Number TO "r_result" RSCRIPT "C:\scripts\r_scripts\analysis.r"

R script (analysis.r)

# Retrieves invoice number from second row of data frame in R script

Accessing field data using column names

You send a number of invoice fields to an R script for analysis outside Analytics. You use the KEEPTITLE option so that columns can be referenced by name in R:

Analytics command

RCOMMAND FIELDS Department_Code Invoice_Amount Invoice_Number TO "r_result" RSCRIPT "C:\scripts\r_scripts\analysis.r" KEEPTITLE

R script (analysis.r)

# Retrieves invoice number from second row of data frame in R script

Sending invoice records that exceed 1000.00 value to R script

You send a number of invoice fields to an R script for analysis outside Analytics. You use IF to limit the records sent to R. Only those records with an invoice amount exceeding 1000.00 are sent:

Analytics command

RCOMMAND FIELDS Department_Code Invoice_Amount Invoice_Number TO "r_result" IF Invoice_Amount > 1000.00 RSCRIPT "C:\scripts\r_scripts\analysis.r" KEEPTITLE

R script (analysis.r)

# Retrieves invoice number from second row of data frame in R script

Sending invoice records and returns multiplied invoice amounts

You send a number of invoice fields to an R script for analysis outside Analytics. The R script performs a single action against every cell in the named column:

Analytics command

RCOMMAND FIELDS Department_Code Invoice_Amount Invoice_Number TO "r_result" RSCRIPT "C:\scripts\r_scripts\analysis.r" KEEPTITLE

R script (analysis.r)

# Returns slice of ACL table with value doubled
acl.output<-srcTable["Invoice_Amount"] * 2


For more information about how this command works, see Running R scripts.

Referencing Analytics data in the R script

The Analytics table is passed to the script as an R data frame. Data frames are tabular data objects that may contain columns of different modes, or types, of data.

To work with the data frame created by Analytics in an R script, invoke the acl.readData() function and store the returned data frame in a variable:

# stores the Analytics table in a data frame called myTable that can be referenced throughout the script

To retrieve data from a cell in the data frame, you can use one of the following approaches:

  • Using row and column coordinates:

    # Retrieves the value in the first row and second column of the data frame


    Coordinates are based on the order of fields specified in the command, not the table layout or view that is currently open.

  • Using row and column names:

    # Retrieves the value in the first row and "myColumnTitle" column of the data frame

    You must specify the KEEPTITLE option of the command to use column names.

    Rows are named "1", "2", "3", and increment accordingly. You may also use a combination of names and coordinates.

Passing data back to Analytics

To return a data frame or matrix back to Analytics and create a new table, use the following syntax:

# Passes myNewTable data frame back to Analytics to create a new table


You must return a data frame or a matrix to Analytics when the R script terminates. Ensure the columns in the data frame or matrix contain only atomic values and not lists, matrices, arrays, or non-atomic objects. If the values cannot be translated into Analytics data types, the command fails.

Data type mappings

Analytics data types are translated into R data types using a translation process between the Analytics project and the R script:

Analytics data type R data type(s)
Logical Logical
Numeric Numeric
Character Character
Datetime Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt

Performance and file size limits

The time it takes to run your R script and process the data that is returned increases for input data exceeding 1 GB. R does not support input files of 2 GB or higher.

The number of records sent to R also affects performance. For two tables with the same file size but a differing record count, processing the table with fewer records is faster.

Handling multi-byte character data

If you are sending data to R in a multi-byte character set, such as Chinese, you must set the system locale appropriately in your R script. To successfully send a table of multi-byte data to R, the first line of the R script must contain the following function:

# Example that sets locale to Chinese

For more information about Sys.setlocale( ), see the R documentation.

R log file

Analytics logs R language messages to an aclrlang.log file in the project folder. Use this log file for debugging R errors.