BINTOSTR( ) function

Returns Unicode character data converted from ZONED or EBCDIC character data. Abbreviation for "Binary to String".


This function is specific to the Unicode edition of Analytics. It is not a supported function in the non-Unicode edition.


BINTOSTR(string, string_type)


Name Type Description
string character The ZONED or EBCDIC value that you want to convert to Unicode character encoding.
string_type character

The format to convert from. You must specify one of the following values:

  • "A" – convert from ZONED (ASCII) data
  • "E" – convert from EBCDIC data




Basic examples

The expression ZONED(-6448,4) converts the value -6448 to the character format "644Q", however the Unicode edition of Analytics requires that you convert the output of ZONED( ) to Unicode characters using BINTOSTR( ).

Returns "644Q" in Unicode format:

BINTOSTR(ZONED(-6448,4), "A")


When to use BINTOSTR( )

Use this function to convert return values from the ZONED( ) and EBCDIC( ) functions to a Unicode value.


If this function is not applied to the return values of ZONED( ) and EBCDIC( ) in Unicode editions of Analytics, then they are displayed incorrectly because the encoding is not interpreted correctly.