COMMENT //ANALYTIC TYPE ANALYSIS Robots Agent test script This simple script tests if the on-premise Robots Agent is working //FILE Robots_Agent_test_file.txt //DATA Robots_Agent_test_file //RESULT TABLE Table_metadata //RESULT LOG END SET SAFETY OFF COMMENT Import the test file and open it IMPORT DELIMITED TO Robots_Agent_test_file "Robots_Agent_test_file.fil" FROM "Robots_Agent_test_file.txt" 0 SEPARATOR "," QUALIFIER '"' CONSECUTIVE STARTLINE 1 KEEPTITLE FIELD "Character_field" C AT 1 DEC 0 WID 3 PIC "" AS "" FIELD "Numeric_field" N AT 4 DEC 0 WID 3 PIC "" AS "" FIELD "Datetime_field" D AT 7 DEC 0 WID 8 PIC "YYYYMMDD" AS "" OPEN Robots_Agent_test_file COMMENT Save the test file metadata to a separate table SAVE LAYOUT TABLE TO Table_metadata SET SAFETY ON