Follow the presenter
Ideal for meetings and presentations, the Follow the Presenter feature allows directors to keep up with book navigation in real time. Anyone who has chosen to "follow" the book sees their pages automatically turn to match the page view of the presenter. This article explains how to present and how to follow book content.
Present book content
To become the presenter, select the Present icon
. The icon turns red and changes to a Pause icon
. A red Presenting button
appears underneath the Pause icon. A red page view border also appears to indicate what you are presenting.
If continuous scrolling is enabled, the book automatically reverts to the traditional view with a horizontal navigation scrollbar at the bottom of the page.
Navigate book content in real-time. Followers see their own instance of the page you are viewing, so your private notes and annotations are only visible to you.
If you select a link to go to a page in the current book you are presenting, another book, or the Resource Center, followers are taken to that page.
If you select a link to an external website, a dialog box appears, and your followers have the option to go to that site.
To end the presentation, select the Pause icon
or the Presenting button
. You can also navigate to your bookshelf to automatically end the presentation.
Follow book content
To follow a presenter, select the Follow icon
. The icon turns green and changes to a Pause icon
. A green Following button
appears underneath the Pause icon, with the name of the presenter displayed.
If no one is presenting when you select the Follow icon, you'll automatically start following once the presentation begins.
As you follow the presentation on your screen, you can make notes and annotations, but you'll automatically stop following. You'll also stop following if you begin navigating the book independently. Select the Follow icon
to resume following the presenter.
When the presentation ends, you'll receive a message that you are no longer following the presenter.