Update history of a current book

A list of newly added or updated book documents can be viewed in a book's Update History.

  1. An icon labeled Update History appears within the row of book details in the current bookshelf list, after you have successfully synced your book update.


    An Update History icon only appears on sync if the book update includes document changes that your board administrator has chosen to publicize.

  2. A sub-heading displays information on the update, which may include:

    1. Sync for Latest Updates. This indicates the book needs to be synced again before some updates can be made available.

    2. The number of updates as a result of the last sync.

  3. Selecting the Update History icon or label opens a list of both new and previously made updates.

    1. Each list item displays the details of the updated document, including whether it is a new or revised document, the date of the change, the tab name, the affected page range and a public comment from the administrator, if any.

    2. An arrow icon and an ellipsis appear if there is additional comment information. Select the arrow to expand or collapse the full comment.

    3. Previously synced updates are collapsed at the bottom of the list so that only the sync date is visible. Select this label to expand this list of updates.

    4. Selecting anywhere on a list item navigates to that section of the book.

  4. To view the Update History in the page view of a book, expand the navigation panel and select the Updates icon.


    To open the navigation panel, select the icon in the upper-left corner next to the "Books" button.

  5. From the navigation panel, you can view all of the updates in the book. List items remain highlighted as you navigate through the relevant document.