Viewing book contents
The page view displays the contents of the selected book, and offers multiple ways to navigate that content.
The top of the page displays the tab name. Select this area once to see the book name. Select it again to see the tab name. You can also swipe this area to move between tabs while the tab name is displayed.
Select in the middle of the screen to show or hide the top and bottom menu bars.
Select the Back button to return to the bookshelf view.
Select the Navigation Panel icon
to open an outline of the current book and the listing of your annotations.
Select the Summary icon
to open the AI-powered book summary.
To play an audio version of the summary, select the Play icon and select the required speed.
To pause the audio, select the Pause icon.
To replay the audio, select the Replay icon.
To close the book summary, select the Close icon or the Close button.
Select the Markup Mode icon
to open the markup toolbar.
Selecting a link will take you to a different section of your board site.
After you’ve selected a link, the
Link History icon will appear. Select this icon to go back to the page that contained the link, or select and hold the icon to see a list of all the page links you’ve selected while reading the book.
Links may also open other apps, such as Maps, Safari, and Email. Links to other apps will not appear in Link History.
Select the left or right sides of the screen, or swipe from right to left or left to right, to turn pages.
Users with an external keyboard connected can use the left and right arrows on the keyboard to turn pages.
Select the Agenda button to open the book’s Agenda.
Select and slide your finger on the Page Slider to scroll through book pages.
Select the page number to display the keyboard and a field to enter a specific page number. Select Go on the keyboard to go to the page entered.
If you're navigating to different areas of the book, a Back to Page button will appear. Select this button to quickly return to the last page you were viewing.
If you see a light Watermark on the page, your administrator has enabled watermarking on your site. You cannot disable or change the watermark.