Editing and reordering tabs
This topic explains how to reorder, edit, and delete book tabs and sub-tabs to suit the format and content of the meeting.
To reorder tabs, move the mouse over a tab or sub-tab's header row. The move icon appears on the far right of the row.
Select and hold the move icon.
Drag the tab to its new location, which is indicated by an outline containing the words Move tab here. To move the tab to the selected location, release the mouse.
Tabs and sub-tabs can be reordered, but they cannot be moved out of their current position in the book structure.
To edit a tab or sub-tab, select the Tab menu on its header row.
To change the name of the tab, add a presenter or description, or change the numbered and non-numbered tab status, select Tab Properties.
To remove the tab from the book, select Delete Tab. This will also delete any documents and sub-tabs within the tab.