Managing document access

This topic describes how to manage document visibility and access within the Resource Center.

  1. After adding documents, select Approve. The files appear to all users who have access to the folder.

  2. To set further visibility and access options for a file, select the menu icon at the far right of its row.

  3. To set document access permissions, select Document Access.

  4. To set custom document visibility permissions, select the Customize access field, which is initially set to "Use default committee access." If permissions have previously been changed for this document, the current option appears in the field.

  5. If only certain users should be able to view the document, select Show document to selected users.

  6. To block certain users from viewing the document, select Hide document from selected users.

  7. A list of users with access to the folder appears. Select the checkbox next one or more user's names to apply the viewing option you selected.

  8. To apply your changes, select Update.

  9. The Custom Permissions label appears on the document's row.