Managing user committees and roles
As an administrator, you can control which boards and committees most users belong to. You can also edit the roles of cross-committee, cross-role users. This topic explains how to manage users' committees and roles.
Select Site Management from the left-hand navigation panel on any main hub.
On the page that appears, select Users.
Select the Committees & Roles tab.
Select a board or committee that you will be changing.
To add a user to this board or committee, select the empty box icon next to their name. It will turn into a check icon.
To remove a user from this board or committee, select the check icon next to their name. It will turn into an empty box icon.
If the checkbox next to a user's name is read-only and a pencil icon is visible, they belong to multiple boards or committees with cross-roles.
To edit the user's role, select the pencil icon next to their name. The Edit window appears.
To remove the user from a role, select the check icon next to the role. It will turn into an empty box icon.
You can select the empty box icon next to a role to assign it to the user. The box will turn into a check icon.
You should assign the user to at least one role, so they can continue to sign in to Boards and access their materials. If you remove all the roles from a user, a warning message appears in the Edit window.
To save your changes and close the window, select Save.
Select Save on the Committees & Roles tab to finalize your changes.
You cannot create new users that have access to books, and you cannot delete current users entirely. Contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance with either of these tasks.
Did you know? Adding or removing users from groups in Diligent Boards will change their group memberships in Diligent Messenger as well, allowing you to manage access to secure board materials and secure board communications with a single action. Learn more about Diligent Messenger here.