Uploading activity data in bulk

There are two types of excel uploads:

  • Single Activity Upload (Bulk Upload) Single site upload is most commonly used by a user who has a spreadsheet for a particular activity where it is more time consuming to input the data one at a time manually such as an electricity meter supplier statement for 12 months, or daily meter readings for an electricity meter. It can only upload one spreadsheet per activity per building at a time. There can be multiple activity types in the spreadsheet, but only one activity.

  • Multi-Activity Excel Upload The Multi-Activity excel upload is used when the user wants to upload a spreadsheet or csv file that contains data for multiple activities of the same category. For example spreadsheet contains electricity meter data from 55 buildings.

Formatting your spreadsheets for bulk uploads

Ensure the spreadsheet:

  • Does not contain 800,000 or more cells (Length by height)
  • Does not contain empty rows or spaces i.e. rows deleted, not just the data in those rows.
  • Has the required information present in the spreadsheet, remove excess columns of data, see below

Spreadsheet Requirements:

  • Date/time
  • Reference - the reference is a unique reference number from the document or source from which the piece of data that is being inputted into the system, invoice number, receipt number or statement no.
  • Reference Type - Reference type refers to the document or source from which the piece of data that is being inputted into the system was obtained, it is really for audit purposes. Example could be Electricity Bill,
  • Unit, for example kilowatt-hour
  • Quantity - the amount of energy consumed
  • Fuel Type - for example Natural Gas, electricity
  • Calorific Value - Gross Calorific Value or Net Calorific Value
  • Vehicle class - for (mobile combustion uploads)
  • Distance Unit ( for transport uploads)
  • Unique Mapping ID - This identifier can be made up by the user, or ideally one can use an MPAN number or or a vehicle registration number and so on. Meter numbers are automatically taken by the system as Mapping ID's.

Default options available in the system for:

  • Reference
  • Reference type
  • Currency - multiple currencies available.
  • Cost - space to input value
  • Supplier - options available if previously set in the system (Supplier Manager in Administration to set up Suppliers).
  • Meter Reading Type - option available on screen, (Actual, Estimate or Unknown) (applies to meters only)
  • Serial Number of Meter - space to input value
  • Date
  • MPRN/MPAN number

Creating buildings and activities data in bulk

Within the Bulk Uploader feature, you can use the Bulk Import Activities function to create buildings and create activities for one or more of these buildings. Upload a spreadsheet filled with multiple building and activities data, for example, a spreadsheet that contains all the electricity meter data for a single building or multiple fuel activities for one or more buildings.

  1. In Diligent ESG toolbar, select Data Management and select GHG Activitiesto access the Multi-Site Upload option.
  2. Above the GHG Activities dashboard, select Bulk Import Activities and select Create Only.
  3. In the Upload File Selection section, select Select and select the spreadsheet from your files to upload a spreadsheet.
  4. Note

    If you are not using a Diligent ESG template with the correct column titles, you may need to manually change the columns assigned in the Upload Validation section. For further information about Diligent ESG spreadsheet template, go to Formatting your spreadsheets for bulk uploads.

  5. Select the First row has column names checkbox to select the column names in the uploaded file as the column headings and select Continue.
  6. In the Upload Configuration section, in the Sheet selection dropdown, select the sheet that contains the relevant data to upload.
  7. In the Column Matching sections, select the Select a column dropdowns and select the spreadsheet columns that matches the database fields. You must map all mandatory fields with an asterisk (*) beside them otherwise the upload will fail.
  8. Select Finish to complete the file upload. After you upload, Diligent ESG runs validation on all columns, non-mandatory and mandatory.
  9. Select the Import History tab, and in the Progress column you can check the upload status.

If the upload fails and is in error, you can roll back the upload and re-upload an updated or new spreadsheet. For further information about rolling back an upload, go to Removing uploaded spreadsheets in error.

Uploading activity data to a single activity in bulk

If you use this feature, you can only upload one Excel spreadsheet for a single activity for a single building at a time. You can include multiple activity types in the spreadsheet, but only one activity.

  1. In Diligent ESG toolbar, select Data Management and select GHG Activities, Energy Use Activities, Meter Manager, or Transport.

  2. Use the Organisation and Geographic tabs or the column filter fields to search for an activity.

  3. Select Select beside an activity that you want to save settings for repeat uploading later.

  4. Select New Upload.

  5. In the Emission Category section, from the dropdown, select whether the data you are uploading is from a meter reading or not.

  6. (Optional) If you select Not Meter Reading Data in Step 5, select whether the data format is high or low frequency data. For further information about high and low frequency data, go to High and low frequency data.

  7. Select Continue.

  8. In the Check List section, use the guidance provided for the columns in your spreadsheet and select Continue.

  9. In the File Upload section, select Select, and select the spreadsheet from your files.
  10. Note

    If you are not using a Diligent ESG template with the correct column titles, you may need to manually change the columns assigned. For further information about Diligent ESG spreadsheet template, go to Formatting your spreadsheets for bulk uploads.

  11. Select the checkbox beside the option that you want for the column headings in the uploaded file, First row has column names, Specify row for column names, or Discard first number of data rows, enter a specific row number if needed, and select Continue.
  12. In the Sheet selection section, in the Selected Sheet dropdown, select the sheet that contains the relevant data to upload, and select Continue.
  13. In the Column Matching section, select the Select a column dropdowns and select the spreadsheet columns that maps to the Diligent ESG database fields. You must map all mandatory fields with an asterisk (*) beside them otherwise the upload will fail.
  14. Select Finish to complete the file upload. After you upload, Diligent ESG runs validation on all columns, non-mandatory and mandatory.

Uploading activity data to one or more activities for a specific building

Within Multi-Site Upload, you can upload a spreadsheet filled with activity data for one or more activities which is attached to a certain asset or building, for example, a spreadsheet that contains electricity meter data for one of your buildings.


You must create the buildings using the Bulk Import Activities option before you can upload any activity data. For further information, go to Creating buildings and activities data in bulk.

  1. In Diligent ESG toolbar, select Data Management and select Multi-Site Upload.
  2. Note

    Alternatively, in the GHG Activities, Energy Use Activities, Meter Manager, or Transport sections, you can select Multi-Site Upload.

  3. In the Data Type section, in the Scope sections, select a data type icon, such as Mobile Combustion, then select the data types and modes, such as Road and Vehicle Distance.
  4. In the Check List section, use the guidance provided for the columns in your spreadsheet and select Continue.


    If you are not using a Diligent ESG template with the correct column titles, you may need to manually change the columns assigned in the File Upload section. For further information about Diligent ESG spreadsheet template, go to Formatting your spreadsheets for bulk uploads.

  5. In the File Upload section, select Select, and select the spreadsheet from your files.
  6. Select the checkbox beside the option that you want for the column headings in the uploaded file, First row has column names, Specify row for column names, or Discard first number of data rows, enter a specific row number if needed, and select Continue.
  7. In the Sheet selection section, in the Selected sheet dropdown, select the sheet that contains the relevant data to upload.
  8. In the Select Activity Unique Reference dropdown, select the column that the system will use to allocate that row of data to an activity with that same mapping ID, and select Continue.
  9. Note

    If you upload a file with an unrecognized mapping ID, select Select another sheet and repeat Step 7 or drag and drop the Upload Mapping ID row onto an existing ID row in the left table.

  10. In the Column Matching section, select the Select a column dropdowns and select the spreadsheet columns that maps to the Diligent ESG database fields. You must map all mandatory fields with an asterisk (*) beside them otherwise the upload will fail.
  11. Select Finish to complete the file upload. After you upload, Diligent ESG runs validation on all columns, non-mandatory and mandatory.

To change, manage, or correct any errors in the invalid uploaded data, go to Correcting invalid uploaded data.