Public site settings

You can configure the appearance of the Public site and integrate it with the brand of your organization in Public site settings.

Public site display options

  1. Make portal public – Select the checkbox to allow for the public site to be disabled, allowing you to update content and add images before going live. If an organization doesn’t want the public website enabled, the admin can disable it. If it’s disabled, it cannot be opened in a browser the admin is not logged into.

  2. Display the video tile? – Select the checkbox to display the video tile if your organization has purchased Video Manager HD Powered by BoxCast. The video tile only works if YouTube is enabled.

  3. Show meetings without published documents – Select the checkbox to allow unpublished future meetings to show in the calendars and side menu on the public site, informing members of upcoming meetings before they are published. Only the name of the meeting shows.

Your organization’s social media

You can add all of your organization’s social media networks to the public site to help your constituents connect with your organization.

To add social media:

  1. Select Your organization’s social media.

  2. Click in the social media field you wish to upload and enter the link.

  3. Select the Save button.

All social media appears in the “Connect to Us” section on the public site.

ICS Calendar settings

Users have the option to add a public calendar feed or subscribe to feeds.

To add the calendar feed to outlook or another calendar application:

  1. Select ICS Calendar settings.

  2. Enter the URL in the Public meetings ICS feed field. Make sure to add https:// at the beginning of the feed.

  3. Select the Save button.

  4. To add an external calendar to the public site, click in the URl field and add the URL.

  5. Click in the Name field and add the name.

  6. Select the Add button.

  7. Select Copy to copy the link to add the calendar to Outlook.

    All calendars added can be seen on the public site.

Display options

  1. To open the Public site settings, select Settings on the Navigation Bar of your home page, then choose Public site settings. The Settings page displays.

  2. Use the color picker to set the button color on the Public site to match the button color on your website. Choose a darker color to provide branding consistency. You can also enter a custom color code in the fields next to the color picker.


    The system automatically informs you whether your color settings pass the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

  3. Choose Upload next to Background Image to add a background from your website to the Public site. You can also remove a background that you no longer wish to use by selecting Delete.

  4. Choose Upload next to Agenda Logo to customize or update agenda and minutes header logo.


    After you upload an Agenda Logo, it will be the default logo to display on the header of all future agendas and minutes created in Community for all users. The Agenda Logo will not be updated on previously shared or published agendas and minutes.

  5. When finished, select Save in the top right of the Settings page to save your settings.