The public can subscribe to receive updates about a meeting on the Public site. The public can also contact you with a request to be added or removed. You can also modify a subscription.
Confirm subscriber
Select Settings on the Navigation Bar of your home page, then select Subscribers. The Subscriber page displays.
To search for a subscriber, scroll through the list or use the filter to perform a search by email or meeting template or active status, and so on.
If the Send Confirmation button displays in the Active column, the subscriber has not received the link to confirm the email. Select Send Confirmation to send the subscription confirmation email to the subscriber.
To activate the subscription, the subscriber needs to open the email and select the subscription confirmation link.
Add a subscriber
Select Settings on the Navigation Bar of your home page and select Subscribers. The Subscribers page displays.
Select the + New Subscription button.
The Add subscribers page displays. Select the relevant meeting template by clicking the checkbox next to it.
In the list of Available People, find the subscriber you need to add and select the plus sign next to the name. The subscriber now appears in the Selected People field.
You can also add an external email address in the Add External Email Addresses field. You can add multiple email addresses by using multiline, commas, or semicolons.
Select the checkbox next to Send verification email.
Select Create.
Delete a subscriber
Select Settings on the Navigation Bar of your home page, then select Subscribers. The Subscribers page displays.
To search for subscriber, scroll through the list or use the filter option to search by email address, meeting template, active status, and so on.
When you have found the subscriber, select the delete icon.