Create a virtual meeting

You can invite board members and public stakeholders to join a virtual meeting, which you host in Community. To manage the meeting online, you can use a video conference provider, such as Zoom. You have the option to livestream a public meeting by broadcasting it from your YouTube channel on the Public site. This section describes how to create a virtual meeting, how remote participants can join, and how to integrate Zoom and YouTube.

To create a virtual meeting, you need to first generate the meeting packet, then update the agenda and the supporting documents, as part of your meeting-management process. Next, integrate Zoom and YouTube, by adding links to the video conference and live stream on the Meeting details page. Add the links in advance so you can test them.

To begin the virtual meeting and allow participants to join:

  1. Enter the Zoom video conference link in the Zoom conference link field.

  2. Enter the YouTube livestream URL in the YouTube broadcast link field.

  3. To test the links, select Test Zoom or Test YouTube.

  4. Select Save. Participants can now join the meeting through video conference.

Join a virtual meeting

This section describes how to join a virtual meeting. Admin users and group members can join the video conference from Community.

  1. To join, sign in to view the Current meetings page, then select Join Video.

The public can join through livestream on the Public site.

  1. Access the Public site, and then select a meeting name to view more details.

  2. Select Video in the meeting details.

  3. The virtual meeting is available on a new tab in your browser. Select the tab to join.

Integrate Zoom and YouTube

This section describes how to integrate a video conference link and a livestream URL, so group members and the public can participate online.

Add a Zoom conference link

To host a virtual meeting in Community, you can add links to a video conference, such as Zoom.

  1. Go to Zoom’s external website, then sign in to your account.

  2. Select Meetings on the left navigation panel to view the Upcoming meetings page.

  3. For more details about a meeting, select Topic.

  4. Move down the page to view the Invite attendees section with a link field.

  5. To add the link, first copy the URL next to Join URL.

  6. Open the Meeting details page in Community and paste the URL in the Zoom conference link field.

  7. You can test the link by selecting Test Zoom.

  8. Select Save to save your changes and begin the virtual meeting. The Join video link appears on the Current meetings page in Community, so admin users and members can join the virtual meeting. When remote participants join, they are placed in an online waiting room until you are ready to admit them. You have the option to admit participants individually or all at after.

Add a YouTube URL

To livestream the virtual meeting in Community, you can add the YouTube broadcast link.

  1. To begin a live stream, select the More icon on the bottom right of the Zoom video conference, then select Live on YouTube.

  2. From Google, select an account to sign in to your YouTube channel.

  3. To set your privacy settings, select Unlisted on the Privacy menu.

  4. To broadcast the meeting on your YouTube channel, select Go Live!

Set timer

You can set a timer during a live meeting. Use the timer to display the length of time available to discuss a topic. The timer is visible on the Live meeting page and the Presentation page.

  1. Open the Live meeting page and select Timer.

  2. A menu appears. You can select a preset timer from the menu.

  3. To edit the preset timers, select Edit preset timers.

  4. To set a custom timer, select Custom. The Custom timer window appears.

  5. Select the number of minutes and seconds from the Minutes and Seconds menus, and then select Start timer.

  6. The timer is available on the top right of the Live meeting page. To begin the timer, select the start icon.

  7. You can select pause to pause the timer.

  8. To restart the timer, select restart.

  9. When you are presenting, you can open the presentation page to view the length of time remaining on the timer.

  10. The color of the timer changes to red when there are 30 seconds or less.

  11. At 10 seconds or less, the timer expands to the full screen.

  12. When the timer expires, you can view the elapsed length of time.

  13. To close the timer, so it is no longer visible, return to the Live meeting page and select the close button.