Getting started with Community

Based on access, Diligent Community has the following users:

  • Members of the Board, Council, or Committee These members receive meeting notices, access public and confidential content, and can add private annotations but cannot contribute to agendas.

  • Administrators The site administrators manage, users, user permissions, meeting groups, meeting templates, document library permission, and other functions.

  • Board administrators The board administrators can create and edit agendas, minutes, document library, user management, templates, groups, and other functions.

  • Staff These users can submit agenda items and attach reports for meeting approval. They can view the public agenda and add private annotations but cannot access confidential information or directly edit the agenda.

Access Community

  1. Sign in to the Diligent One Platform.

  2. On the Launchpad home page, under Boards & Governance, select Community.
    The Community home page appears.