Create a new shareholder
When you create your cap table you will want to add shareholders (holders). This is done from the Holders view in your Diligent Equity dashboard.
To learn how to add multiple holders and create a group go to Manage a shareholder group.
Go to the Company section in the navigation sidebar and select Holders.
The Holders view opens.
Select New Shareholder.
Enter the relevant holder information in the Personal Information tab of the New Shareholder window.
There are additional sections you can fill in or edit later:
Personal information Add holder details.
Portal Send an invitation to the holder to register.
Organize Add holder to a group or merge with another holder.
Select Close to add your new shareholder to the cap table.
They appear in the list of Holders.
When adding an allocation, the Shareholder's name appears in the search list.
Select Save Record to record any changes made to the cap table.