Add a new user - Admin

As an administrator you have access to a User Portal where you can add new users to your Diligent Equity Investor account.

  1. Go to toolbar and select your name to open a menu, and then select Admin.

  2. In the Users tab select Add user.

  3. Fill in the name and email address.

    Their email address will be their username.

  4. Assign the appropriate Role.

    You can update the role at any stage.

    Role options and description

    Role title Description
    Account Admin They have access to the entire Invest account and can manage users. They can also update data, access fund information, and view / edit cap tables.
    Limited Partner They only have access to their LP Portal and LP data. They can't update data or view cap table.
    Company Officer

    They only have access to their Company Dashboard but can't view the cap table.

    You will need to assign them to a company

    Portfolio Manager They have access to the entire Invest account and can update data, access fund information, and view/edit cap tables.
    Company Viewer

    They are assigned to specific company cap tables only and can't edit cap tables.

  5. Select Submit to save

  6. Set a temporary password and share it with the new user.


    The password must contain at least eight (8) characters, and include 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 number.