The software allows a company to measure and report its carbon footprint using geographical reporting structures; i.e.: by physical location, region, country, state, county, city etc., but also allows the mapping of these geographic locations and sub structures to organisational entities such as business units or cost centres. The key benefit being that organisations can report their carbon using the same structure as their financial reporting.
Creating an organisational node
Administrators have the ability to create, edit and delete organisational entities.
Navigate to the Reporting Structure using the Settings menu icon on the right side of the screen, and select Reporting Structure .
In this screen, an Administrator can create a new organisation node, edit an existing node, or move an existing node or sub node to another location.
Click the node you want to be the parent of the new node from the organisational tree-view structure on the left of the screen, and click the 'Add new Node' button.
Input the new node name and a brief description, if this entity is a Participant Equivalent formerly (SGU) tick the box provided and click Save. A Participant Equivalent is any individual subsidiary, or group of subsidiaries, within an organisation which would meet the qualification requirement for participation in the CRC in its own right, were it not part of a larger organisation.
Click Save when finished. You will now see the new node appear under the specified parent node.
Within this Reporting Structure screen you cannot move buildings from one node of the structure to another node. Moving buildings within the Organisation Structure is done within the Facilities and Assets screen which is also housed under the Settings dropdown list.
Editing an organisational node
Only Administrators of the account and Diligent ESG Support can edit an organisational Node.
To edit an existing Organisation node:
Select the Settings dropdown on the top right of your screen and select the Reporting Structure from the dropdown list.
Once the new screen appears, select the organisational node that you want to edit in organisational tree-view structure on the left of the screen, select Edit Selected Node .
Edit the appropriate fields as desired and click Save.
In some instances, the names may not be changeable and it will appear dimmed – this means that that node is actually a facility or a building/asset belonging to a facility. To change its name you must edit the facility and or building/asset name in the facilities screen.
Moving an organisational node
Sometimes it may be necessary to move nodes from under one organisation to another. This is common practice in large organisations when management initiate a re-organisation of departments and functions.
Select the Settings dropdown on the top right of your screen and select the Reporting Structure from the dropdown list.
Once the new screen appears, select the organisational node that you want to edit in organisational tree-view structure on the left of the screen, select Edit Selected Node .
Edit the Parent Node field as desired and click Save.