Bulk upload to Policy Manager
You can bulk upload new policy documents to Policy Manager and update document metadata. Complete and submit templates to perform the following operations:
- Bulk upload of new .doc, or .docx format documents you submit with the template.
- Bulk update metadata of existing policies.
You need the following security setting to perform bulk uploads:
Allow Access to Bulk Upload Policies page
Perform a bulk upload of new documents
Upload multiple .doc, or .docx policy files to Policy Manager.
From the left menu, select Administration > Bulk Upload.
Select Policy > Next.
Select Download Template.
After you download the template, select Next.
Populate the template with the relevant information. For template input, see Completing a bulk upload template.
Create a .zip file with the completed .xlsx template file and the policy .docx documents you want to upload to Policy Manager. The .zip file cannot exceed 300 MB.
If you're using a Mac, to create the .zip file, select the template and the policy documents. Right-click on your selection and select Compress.
Upload the .zip file and select Submit.
The .zip file displays in the Uploaded Files area. The Status column shows the progress of the file upload:
IN PROGRESS: The file is being processed.
SUCCESS: The documents are successfully imported.
ERROR: Errors were detected during verification. Download the .zip file from File Name column. Make corrections and upload the file again.
Completing a bulk upload template
To import data to Policy Manager using Bulk Upload, you must provide the information in the specified format.
When uploading files:
Always use the latest template available in Policy Manager.
Do not change the name of the template file. For uploading new documents, the template is: BulkUploadDocumentTemplate.xlsx.
Do not change the structure of the template file; do not rename, add, delete, or move the columns.
Populate all fields marked in red. Fields in black are optional. Do not populate the hidden fields.
When populating the template, provide values that exist in the system. If you enter values that can't be found in the system, Policy Manager will return an error.
Use the information in the Instructions tab to populate the template.
Template values are listed in the following table:
Field | Description |
Filename |
The name of the policy document to be uploaded. The naming convention is filename.docx. |
Document Name |
The name displayed in Policy Manager. Do not use the following characters:
Policy Code |
(Optional) An identifier assigned to each policy; the field accepts alphanumeric and special characters. Note The combination of Policy Code and Document Name must be unique. |
Summary |
(Optional) The description of the document. The character limit is 1000. |
Type |
The policy type. |
Category |
The policy category. |
Sub-category |
(Optional) The sub-category value must align with the category you entered. |
Language |
(Optional) For English, leave the field blank. To change the language, enter a value from the Language Values list in the Instructions tab. |
Owning Group |
(Optional) The owning group of the policy, for example, IT. |
Owner |
(Optional) The individual responsible for the document. The value for Owner must align with the owning group you entered. |
Target Audience |
Enter a target audience group to make the document accessible only to a specified group. If left blank, the document will be publicly accessible. |
Status |
The status of the document after it's uploaded to Policy Manager. The value must be Draft or Published. |
Review Frequency |
(Optional) If you enter a value for Review Frequency Base Document, leave this field blank. |
Review Frequency Base Document |
(Optional) If you enter a value for Review Frequency, leave this field blank. This value corresponds to the Review this document when another one is published setting. If you enter multiple base document names, separate them with commas. |
Last Review Date |
(Optional) Add a date for policies uploaded for the first time to Policy Manager for tracking. The date format is DD/MM/YYYY. |
Approved Date |
(Optional, if the status is Draft. Mandatory, if the status is Published). The Approved Date is displayed in the History Viewer after the upload. The date format is DD/MM/YYYY. |
Publish Date |
(Optional if the status is Draft. Mandatory, if the status is Published). The date format is DD/MM/YYYY. If the status is Published and you leave this field blank, the document is uploaded with the published date as 1/1/0001. |
Perform a bulk update of existing documents
Update multiple metadata fields, such as Category, Policy Type, Owning Group, or other for existing documents.
From the left menu, select Administration > Bulk Upload.
Select Meta-data > Next.
Select Download Template.
After you download the template, select Next.
Populate the template with the relevant information. For template input, see Completing a bulk update template to update existing data.
Upload the .xlsx file and select Submit.
The file displays in the Uploaded Files area. The Status column shows the progress of the file upload:
IN PROGRESS: The file is being processed.
SUCCESS: The documents are successfully updated.
ERROR: Errors were detected during verification. Download the .zip file from File Name column. Make corrections and upload the .xlsx file again.
Completing a bulk update template to update existing data
To update metadata in Policy Manager using Bulk Upload, you must provide the information in the specified format.
When updating metadata:
Always use the latest template available in Policy Manager.
Do not change the name of the template file. For uploading new documents, the template is: BulkUploadMetadataTemplate.xlsx.
Do not change the structure of the template file; do not rename, add, delete, or move the columns.
Populating the Document Name field is mandatory. Any other field is optional. To leave the existing information unchanged, leave the corresponding field blank.
When populating the template, provide values that exist in the system. If you enter values that can't be found in the system, Policy Manager will return an error.
Use the information in the Instructions tab to populate the template.
Template values are listed in the following table:
Field | Description |
Document Name |
The document name in Policy Manager for which the associated fields will be updated. |
Policy Code | (Optional) An identifier assigned to each policy; the field accepts alphanumeric and special characters. |
Summary |
(Optional) The description of the document. The character limit is 1000. |
Type |
(Optional) The policy type. |
Category |
(Optional) The policy category. |
Sub-category |
(Optional) The value must align with the category you entered. |
Owning Group |
(Optional) The owning group of the policy, for example, IT. |
Owner |
(Optional) The individual responsible for the document. The value for Owner must align with the owning group you entered. |
Target Audience |
(Optional) To make the document accessible only to a specified group, enter a target audience group. To make the document accessible to everyone, enter Publicly Accessible. |
Review Frequency |
(Optional) If you enter a value for Review Frequency Base Document, leave this field blank. |
Review Frequency Base Document |
(Optional) If you enter a value for Review Frequency, leave this field blank. This value corresponds to the Review this document when another one is published setting. If you enter multiple base document names, separate them with commas. |