Creating a document

Use the following steps to create a document from a template, a starter document, or from scratch.

  1. On the left menu, under Documents, select the type of document, for example, Policies. The list of documents for that type displays. Your organization may group documents into folders.

  2. To create a new document, select NEW in the upper right corner of the page. The Create New Document window displays.

  3. Complete the following tabs in General, as needed. Items with an asterisk (*) are required.

    Field Description
    Policy Code

    This is an identifier for the document, consisting of alphanumeric and special characters, with a maximum length of 50 characters.


    The Policy Code acts only as an identifier. This value cannot be assigned or modified using the Bulk Update Metadata utility.

    Document Name

    The name displayed in Policy Manager.

    Do not use the following characters:

    • < (less than)

    • > (greater than)

    • : (colon)

    • " (double quote)

    • / (forward slash

    • \ (backslash)

    • | (vertical bar or pipe)

    • ? (question mark)

    Owning Group

    The owning group of the policy, for example, IT.


    The individual responsible for the document. The value for Owner must align with the owning group you entered.


    The folder to organize the document for selection.


    The policy category.


    The sub-category value must align with the category you entered.


    (Optional) For English, leave the field blank. To change the language, enter a value from the Language Values list in the Instructions tab.

    Tag Groups One or more tag groups to be used in searches for the document.
    Tags Tags are created by your organization's administrators.
    Description Summary or details about the document

    Select Publicly Accessible to allow anyone to view the document. Enter a target audience group to make the document accessible only to a specified group.

    If left blank, the document will be publicly accessible.

    • Set the Review Frequency for the review based on the document's business requirements.

    • Alternatively, you can select Only review this document when another one is published which ensures the review of another document is complete before triggering the review of this document. Select the Select Document(s) button. Select one or more documents as the Base (parent) document. Select Confirm. Once saved, the Next Review date for the document displays as a clock.

    • Start With tab: You can select a Template or select a Starter Document to import an existing file in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format to base your new document on. You cannot apply a template or starter document after the document is created.

  4. When the information is complete, select Save. The document is created.

  5. Select the Review Cycle tab and select the three dots to the right of DRAFTING. Select Take ownership to edit the document. For details, see Taking or releasing ownership of a task.

  6. Select the Document Editor tab to add content and components. See Using the Document Editor.

  7. To track where content from the document originated, you can use cross references. See Managing cross references.

  8. If you are authoring the document with another person, you may take ownership of a task before you can edit a document. See Taking or releasing ownership of a task.

Find and manage the document

An easy way to find the document you created is, go to Documents and then type of document such as Policies. Alternatively, you can select Documents then All or the type then search for the document.

  1. You can select any of the following for the document.

    • Select to view a snapshot of document information.

    • Select to download the document as either MS Word or PDF

    • Select to move the document to another folder.

    • Select to archive the document or  unarchive the document. You can view archived documents by selecting Documents from the left menu then the Archived button.

    • Select to start a chat session with a colleague regarding this document.

Mark the DRAFTING phase or task as complete

You must have ownership of a phase or task to mark it as complete. See Taking or releasing ownership of a task.

Go to the document's Review Cycle tab, select the three dots on the right of the phase or task then select Mark Complete. The task is marked as completed and will only re-open as part of the iterative review and approval phases.

The review cycle continues to the next phase, REVISING, where the people in the review queues revise the document. See Revising a document