Export data to Analytics

You can access the data in the Results app from Analytics.

How it works

You can access Results data from the Analytics user interface, or by using a script. You do not export, or "push", the data from Results. Instead, import the data, or "pull", from Analytics.

  • Analytics user interface To access data through the Analytics user interface, see Import Diligent One Results data.
  • Script To access data using a script, use the IMPORT GRCRESULTS command to pull the data from a Results table into the application. You need two identifiers that you can obtain in the URL of Diligent One:
    • Instance ID Displayed in the browser address bar when you log in to Launchpad.

      For example:

      https://accounts.highbond.com/orgs/<instance ID>

    • Test number (Table ID) Displayed in the browser address bar when you view tables in Results.

      For example:

      https://name.results.highbond.com/projects/.../control_tests/<test number>

Working with large tables

Tables that have a large number of fields may not successfully import using a single IMPORT GRCRESULTS command. If you need to work with a single table containing a large number of fields outside of Results, use one of the following approaches:

  • Split the table use two or more IMPORT GRCRESULTS commands to import a subset of fields and then join the resulting tables in Analytics using the JOIN command
  • Export the table to file use the export to CSV format and then import the resulting file into Analytics using the IMPORT DELIMITED command

Connecting over a proxy server

Analytics require HTTPS connections to Diligent One for data import and export.

If you connect to the Internet over a proxy server, you must configure the proxy server to allowlist Diligent One websites. For more information, see Connecting to Diligent One over a proxy server.