Using the AI Script Assistant in Robots

The AI Script Assistant in Robots is a chat-based artificial intelligence utility available in the Robots script editor. The AI Script Assistant helps you create, edit, and troubleshoot scripts by providing information about Python, HighBond Command Language (HCL), and the HighBond API, including code snippets.

Using AI can accelerate your script development work by providing working code in response to specifically worded questions. AI can also assist with script debugging by providing additional context for error messages.

For information about how to enable the AI Script Assistant for all Robots users, see Enable the AI Script Assistant.


The AI Script Assistant is available in HighBond or Workflow robots. It is not available to use in ACL robots.

Currently, the AI Script Assistant supports questions and responses in English. Using languages other than English is not yet officially supported and gives inconsistent results.

Data protection

Like any data you enter in the Diligent One Platform, information you enter in the AI Script Assistant is fully secure and never exposed outside the platform. Additionally, Diligent does not make any use of customer data, or access customer data, when training the model underlying the artificial intelligence capability.

How an AI chat session works

When you ask the AI Script Assistant a question, you start a chat session. As the AI Script Assistant responds and you ask additional questions, the chat session retains the conversational history and uses the context to provide more targeted answers.

The chat session is saved with the script so that you can refer to the session later, or continue the session at a later time without losing the previous context. The chat session is removed only when you explicitly delete it.

Each Robots chat session is unique to the robot in which it is created, and to the user who creates it. So if two users work on the same script in the same robot, their chat sessions are kept separate. Chat sessions can only be accessed by the creator of the session.

For each robot and user, the most recent version of the chat session is saved. Different chat sessions are not saved with each version of a script.