Mapping review flow assignments to documents
Policy Manager review flow assignments are the rules to ensure a document is assigned to the correct review cycle. You add review flow criteria to map a review flow to documents with matching criteria. For each document, the system reviews the sequenced rules and assigns the review flow when there is a match.
Consider the following simple example. If the document name contains HR_Procedures, the system skips sequence 1 and matches on sequence 2 and the HR Procedures review flow is assigned.
Sequence | Name | Description | Assign Review Flow |
1 | HR_Policies | Assign HR Policies | HR Policies |
2 | HR_Procedures | Assign HR Procedures | HR Procedures |
3 | IT_Policies | Assign IT Policies | IT Policies |
Create a review flow assignment
To create a review flow assignment:
From the left menu, select Administration, then Review Flow Assignments.
Select Review Flow Assignments
Enter a Name for the review flow assignment and add a Description.
To control the order the flows are checked for document assignment, add a Sequence Number. The best practice is to assign a low number to the review flow with the most restrictive/most defined conditions and progress to higher numbers. The highest number should be assigned to the review flow with the least restrictive/most open conditions, such as All Other Documents Review as a catchall. This ensures all documents are assigned a review flow.
Select Add filter to add the filters for the document assignment. Drag and drop Available Fields from the left to the right. Add the following, as appropriate.
- Condición determina la relación entre el campo y el valor. Las selecciones disponibles dependen del trabajo que esté realizando.
Igual a (=) es una coincidencia exacta.
No es igual a (!=).
Contiene para encontrar coincidencias con texto parcial de un campo. Por ejemplo, puede agregar "negocio" y elegir campos con Procesos de negocio, Políticas de negocio y Unidad de negocio.
Valor son selecciones que se usan para aplicar filtros. Los valores pueden ser una fecha o texto libre, o pueden estar determinados por códigos de referencia. Consulte Configuring categories, values, and attributes.
Lógica define cómo interactúan los campos entre sí. Las selecciones disponibles dependen del trabajo que esté realizando.
La lógica “And” significa que deben encontrarse todos los campos, condiciones o valores (por ejemplo, campo 1 AND campo 2).
La lógica “Or” significa que debe encontrarse al menos un campo, condición o valor (por ejemplo, campo 1 OR campo 2).
La lógica “Not” es la opuesta de la lógica “And” (por ejemplo, solo campo 1. IF campo 1 AND campo 2, THEN ignorar).
Contiene un valor.
- Condición determina la relación entre el campo y el valor. Las selecciones disponibles dependen del trabajo que esté realizando.
Under the filters and Then apply this template, select the template to assign to the documents that match the criteria. You can only apply one review flow for the review flow assignment created.
Select Save changes.
Manage an existing review flow assignment
To manage an existing review flow assignment:
From the left menu, select Administration, then Review Flow Assignments.
Select any of the following:
to edit the review flow assignment.
to delete the review flow.
to change the sequence.