Administrative reports
System administrators have access to reports about user activity, such as attendance, permissions, and recent logins. You can also view more detailed information about users, including their profile information. Filter the results as needed, and then export the reports as a Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF file. This topic describes each administrative report.
On the BoardEffect home page, on the left-side Navigation Bar, select Site Settings
Select Reports from the list of options.
The following reports are available:
Recent Logins: a chronological list of logins by date. You can filter the list by workroom, date, and user. For more information, review the Recent Logins report article.
Login Activity: a list of users with their total number of logins and last sign in date. You can filter the list by workroom and date. For more information, review the Login Activity report article.
Attendance: a list of event attendance by user. You can filter the list by workroom, user category, user, Event, and date. For more information, review the Attendance report article.
When you export the Attendance report, the file includes every attendee, including the users whose account may have been deactivated after the Event.
Permissions: an overview of user and workroom permissions. You can select permissions from the Workgroups and/or Workrooms filters, and then export the report as a Microsoft Excel file.
Term Information: an overview of any users with a term. You can filter the users by workroom, term number, officer role, term info, and date range. For more information, review the Term Information report article.
Custom Field: an overview of every user's custom fields. You can filter the results by selecting a previously used report or adding filters, including demographics, workgroups, and workrooms. If the custom fields are multiple choice, the report is displayed as a graph. Custom text fields are available when you export the report as a Microsoft Excel file. You can also include custom fields in the Directory report, described below.
Directory: an overview of every user's profile information. You can filter the results by selecting a previously used report or adding filters, including workrooms, user category, and address. To select which fields are available in the report, select the check mark next to a field name in the Display Fields section.
Event: an overview of current and previous Events. You can add a group or workroom filter to view more details when you generate the report. For more information, review the Event report article.
To export a report as an Adobe PDF file, select Generate PDF file on the bottom right of the page.
To export a report as a Microsoft Excel file, select Generate Excel file.