Search with document details
Find documents using the detailed search feature. Documents in any status that you have rights to view display. The search view includes options to:
Download a document
Email a document
- View other documents with tags
- Look at See also references
To search:
From the left menu, select Search.
Select any search parameters.
Type, Category, and Sub-Category are assigned to documents.
Metadata contains all: Enter search criteria separated by commas. All criteria must be in the document title or contents. For example, if you enter Leave, Contractor, only documents with Leave and Contractor will be displayed.
Metadata contains any: Enter search criteria separated by commas. Any of the criteria must be in the document title or contents. For example, if you enter Leave, Contractor, documents with Leave or Contractor will be displayed.
Content contains: Enter search criteria for the document contents. The search results display the documents and the number of times the search term displays. Select Whole words to narrow the search to the exact words. For example, Supplement with Whole words selected will find Supplement but not Supplemental.
Published since: Enter or select a date to find documents published on or before the date entered.
Owning Group: Select the group that owns the document.
Owner: Select the owner of the document.
You must select a Language.
Select the
Search button to start the search. Documents matching the search parameters display.