Look and feel
You can customize how information is formatted and displayed in BoardEffect. Use the Look and Feel menu to add or change the logo, set the time zone, and configure the directory display.
On the BoardEffect home page, on the left-side Navigation Bar, select Site Settings
Select General Settings, and then select Look and Feel on the top right.
Select from the following options to customize your BoardEffect account:
Logo: add a logo to your account. The logo is displayed on the top left corner of BoardEffect and the center of the sign in page. It can also display on the Meeting Book cover pages and agenda, if selected.
Print Logo: add a logo to the Meeting Book cover pages and agendas. The logo is only displayed in the Meeting Book, and not your BoardEffect account.
Logo URL: add a link to access a website from the logo. You are redirected to the website, when you click the logo.
Default Timezone: select a default timezone, based on your location.
Default Date/Time Format: select the default date/time format, based on your location. You can select the American or International format.
Top Bar Color: change the color of the border at the top of your screen.
Display Directory by User Category: update the directory to organize the list of users by their assigned user category.
Directory Excel Export: enable users to download the directory as a Microsoft Excel file.
Directory Display Columns: add or remove the columns in the directory. Each column corresponds to a heading in the directory.
Directory Display Columns for PDF: add or remove the columns in the directory, when you export it to an Adobe PDF file. Each column corresponds to a header in the PDF document.
The PDF will only display the number of columns that will fit on the width of the screen, regardless of the number of columns chosen in Look and Feel.
To save your changes, select Save.