ACL ロボットのテーブル、ファイル、ログの表示
ACL ロボットに含まれる Analytics テーブルまたは結果ファイルを表示するには、まずそれらをローカルコンピューターにダウンロードする必要があります。結果ログはロボットから直接閲覧することもできますし、ダウンロードすることもできます。テーブル、ファイル、ログのダウンロードと表示に関するさまざまなオプションは、以下のとおりです。
テーブルまたはファイルの種類 | 結果パッケージまたは Analytics プロジェクトでダウンロード | 個別にダウンロード | ロボットの表示 |
Analytics データ テーブル | |||
Analytics 結果テーブル | |||
Analytics 結果ファイル | |||
Analytics 結果ログ | |||
非 Analytics 関連ファイル |
Analytics でのテーブルの表示
How you view a downloaded Analytics table depends on the type of ロボット エージェント you are using.Downloaded tables are contained in either a downloaded result package (*.zip) or an Analytics project (*.acl).
Agent type | Download and view details |
On-premise ロボット エージェント |
Cloud-based ロボット エージェント |
Task results can include Analytics result tables, other file types, and a log file.
Task results are specified using the //RESULT analytic tag.For more information, see RESULT tag.
From the Launchpad home page (, select the ロボット app to open it.
If you are already in Diligent One, you can use the left-hand navigation menu to switch to the ロボット app.
- From the dashboard in ロボット, select ACL Robots.
- Navigate to the robot that contains the results, and select the robot to open it.
- In the top right corner of the robot, click Production or Development to select the mode to use.
- Select the Task runs tab.
- Select the task run with the results that you want to download.
- In the Task run details panel, do one of the following:
Download a result file individually
To download an Analytics result file such as Excel, or an Analytics log file, click Download beside the name of file.
Result The file is downloaded to your local file system and can be opened in its native application.An Analytics log file can be opened in any text editor.You can also click View beside the name of a log file to view the log directly.
Download all results in a package
To download all results from a task run, including any Analytics result tables, do the following:
Click Generate result package and wait while the result package is generated.
Click Download result package.
Result A compressed file named <robot_name>.zip, which includes an Analytics project, is downloaded to your local file system.
You can extract the contents of the compressed file, open the Analytics project in Analytics, and view any Analytics result tables.You can open any other result file types, such as Excel, in their native applications.
If the task run failed, click Download failed package to download the log file.You can also click View beside the name of the log file to view the log directly.The log file can help you identify the reason the task failed.
Analytics データ テーブルのダウンロード
Analytics data tables are supported by the on-premise ロボット エージェント only.They are not supported by the cloud-based ロボット エージェント.
Data tables are specified using the //DATA analytic tag.For more information, see DATA tag.
From the Launchpad home page (, select the ロボット app to open it.
If you are already in Diligent One, you can use the left-hand navigation menu to switch to the ロボット app.
- From the dashboard in ロボット, select ACL Robots.
- Navigate to the robot that contains the data table, and select the robot to open it.
- In the top right corner of the robot, click Production or Development to select the mode to use.
- Select the Input/Output tab.
- In one of the sections containing tables, select the data table that you want to download.
- In the Table details panel, click View Table in AN.
Result An Analytics project named <robot_name>.acl is downloaded to your local computer.The project contains all the data tables from the Input/Output tab, not just the table you selected.
You can open the project in Analytics and view the data table.
ダウンロードした Analytics テーブルを開く(オンプレミス ロボット エージェント)
To connect to data on a ロボット エージェント from Analytics the following prerequisites must be in place:
- Analytics users must have the appropriate Windows logon rights and folder permissions on the server where the ロボット エージェント is installed.
For more information, see オンプレミス ロボット エージェントのセキュリティ.
- the Enable Server integration option in Analytics must be selected (Tools > Options > Interface)
- the RobotsProfile server profile must be configured in Analytics
- the edition of Analytics (Unicode or non-Unicode) must match the edition of the ロボット エージェント
- On your computer, navigate to the zipped or the downloaded Analytics project (*.zip or *.acl).
- If the project is zipped, right-click it and choose an appropriate option to unzip it.
- Double-click the downloaded or the unzipped project.
The project opens in Analytics.
- Double-click a ロボット table to open it.
- Enter your network password and click OK.
If you get a connection error when attempting to open a ロボット table in Analytics, try these remedies:
- Robots Data Service Check that the ロボットデータサービス is running on the server where the ロボット エージェント is installed.Start the service if it is stopped.
- Robots server profile Delete the RobotsProfile server profile and close and reopen the Analytics project to automatically create a refreshed profile.
To delete the RobotsProfile, on the Analytics main menu, go to Server > Server Profiles.
ダウンロードした Analytics テーブルを開く(クラウド ロボット エージェント)
- On your computer, navigate to the zipped Analytics project (*.zip).
- Right-click the project and choose an appropriate option to unzip it.
- Double-click the unzipped project.
The project opens in Analytics.
- Double-click a table to open it.