Steps to sync with Diligent One コンプライアンス マップ

To synchronize polices to Diligent One コンプライアンス マップ, you will need to:

Set up Policy Manager to sync

Complete the following steps to set up Policy Manager to sync with Diligent One. No additional steps are needed in Diligent One.

  1. From the Policy Manager left menu, under Administration, select Agency Settings. Permissions may need to be set for you to access this menu selection.
  2. In Diligent One Organization ID, enter the org ID for your Diligent One Instance.
    To find your org ID, log into Diligent One LaunchPad. The org ID is at the end or the URL when you are logged in. For example:

  3. In Diligent One Organization Token, enter your API token from Diligent One.
    To create an API token, see the Diligent One online help, Creating and managing Diligent One アクセス トークン.

  4. Set the Is Diligent One Client toggle on ().

Identify documents components to sync

A policy can have many document components. You must identify which document components sync with Diligent One. Each document component identified to sync maps to one Requirement in a Diligent One Compliance Map. A policy document maps to the top-level Regulation in Diligent One.

The steps to identify a document component to sync follow.

  1. If necessary, create a new document component. See Using document components, section Create a component.
  2. Select Document Components on the left menu and, from the grid, select to edit a document component.

  3. At the bottom left, select the Sync to Diligent One checkbox.
    If you don’t see this selection, your Policy Manager Instance may not have Diligent One enabled.

  4. Continue to create and identify components to sync, as needed.


Only the document components with the Sync to Diligent One checkbox selected are automatically synced into Diligent One コンプライアンス マップ. All other document components are ignored.

Edit and publish

A policy can include both document components to sync and components that will not sync. In the Document Editor, if the component will be synced, the sync icon displays at the bottom right of the document.

Follow your standard workflows to Draft, Revise, Approve a document. When you publish the document and the document syncs, you will see a success message like the following:
The published version (1.0.1) has been synced to HighBond at 3:51 PM 5/15/24.
If the sync fails, a message displays along with the button, Sync to Diligent One so you can try the sync again.

Find your policy in Diligent One

Policies are automatically synced into Diligent One コンプライアンス マップ. They will appear in your Diligent One コンプライアンス マップ app just like any other standard, framework, requirement, or other document.

When syncs are automatically triggered

Once Policy Manager is set up, the content identified automatically syncs to Diligent One コンプライアンス マップ.

For mapping policies to regulations, the following events trigger a sync.

  • When a document is first published or unarchived.
  • On every subsequent publish of a document.
  • On archival of a document.

For mapping components of policies to requirements, the following events trigger a sync.

  • When a document is first published or unarchived.
  • On every update of a compliance regulation.
  • When a document is saved where one or more components has been removed.