Managing users
Administrators can view user information. To add or update users on the Diligent One プラットフォーム, see ユーザーの追加と管理.
View a user
From the left menu, select Administration then Users.
On the Users page, you can view the First Name, Last Name, Email, and whether the user is Active.
To see user information, select the Action button.
On the Edit User page, you can view the user's information which includes but is not limited to the following fields:
Personal Information
First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, User Name, and Title.
User Information
Access group: The Security Group to assign the user to. See Managing security groups (user roles).
Language: English is the default. Another language can be the user's default document language. The document must be translated and available in the language for the user to view the document.
Business Information: 組織はビジネス プロセスのために外部フィールドを追加する場合があります。それらのフィールドは、レポートやユーザーのグループ分けに使用できます。外部フィールドは主に、ドキュメントにアクセスする可能性のある人(たとえば、対象読者)を定義するのに役立ちます。.
場所 / サイト
Contact Information
Contact information, such as the office address, city, location and so on, can be updated.
Select Save to leave the page.