Configuring template assignments

When you create a document in Policy Manager, a template can be automatically assigned. Template assignments are the rules to ensure a document is assigned to the correct template. You can select a different template during document creation. For each document, the system reviews the sequenced rules and assigns the document template when there is a match.

You must create a document template before it can be assigned. See Managing document templates.

Add a template assignment

To add a template assignment:

  1. From the left menu, select Administration, then Template Assignments.

  2. Select Document Template Assignments .

  3. Enter a Name for the template assignment and add a Description.

  4. To control the order, add a Sequence Number.

  5. Form Name is not used. A template is always for a document.

  6. Select Add filter to add the filters for the document assignment. Drag and drop Available Fields from the left to the right. Add the following, as appropriate.

    • 条件决定着字段与值之间的关系。 可用选项基于您将要执行的工作。
      • 等于 (=) 是精确匹配。

      • 不等于 (!=).

      • 包含会根据部分文本来匹配字段。例如,您可以添加“业务”,然后选择包含“业务流程”、“业务策略”和“业务单位”的字段。

    • 是进行过滤的依据选项。值可以是日期、自由文本,或由参考代码驱动。请参阅Configuring categories, values, and attributes

    • 逻辑会定义如何搭配使用各个字段。 可用选项基于您将要执行的工作。

      • “And”逻辑是指必须满足所有字段/条件/值(例如,字段 1 AND 字段 2)。

      • “Or”逻辑表示必须满足至少一个字段/条件/值(例如,字段 1 或字段 2)。

      • “Not”逻辑则恰好与“And”逻辑相反(例如,仅限字段 1。 如果结果是字段 1 和字段 2,则会忽略)。

      • 包含一个值。

  7. Under Then apply template assignment, identify the template to assign to the documents that match the criteria. You can only apply one template for the template assignment created.

  8. Select Save changes.

Managing a template assignment

To manage an existing template assignment:

  1. From the left menu, select Administration, then Template Assignments. The existing template assignments display in the grid.

  2. Select any of the following:

    to edit the template assignment.

    to delete the template assignment.

    to change the sequence.