Bulk importing asset records

Bulk import asset records if you need to avoid time-consuming manual data entry or migrate data from another system.

You can also update multiple asset records at once using sessions in Bulk Importer. For more information, see Update existing asset records in bulk

How it works

You open a new Bulk Importer session and download the Excel template from the Bulk Importer page in the Launchpad. You prepare data in the template and then you upload the template in the Bulk Importer page.

Where are the uploaded asset records?

Once you upload assets, the data is available in the Asset Inventory app or the Risk Register app.

Before you start

Before you can import asset records, you must create an asset through the Bulk Importer by filling in the Assets worksheet or from the user interface.



Only System Admins can bulk upload Diligent One resources from Bulk Importer.

Upload new asset records in bulk


  • Interface terms are customizable, and fields and tabs are configurable. In your instance of Diligent One, some terms, fields, and tabs may be different.
  • If a required field is left blank, you will see a warning message: This field is required. Some custom fields may have default values.

Open a new Bulk Importer session and download the Excel template

  1. Open Launchpad.


    If your company uses more than one instance in Launchpad, make sure the appropriate instance is active.

  2. Select Platform Settings > Organization.

    If you do not see Organization as an option, the account you used to sign in does not have Admin privileges.

  3. Under Bulk Importer, click Manage bulk resources.

    A new Bulk Importer session begins, with the session ID appended to the URL.


    Always begin a new session to add new resources, else you may lose previously uploaded data.


    You can use previous sessions to update previously uploaded data. For more information, see Update functionality in the Bulk Importer.

  4. Under Select resource, in the resource type, select Records and then select the Record type.

    Based on the record type selected, the template will contain only those fields that are configured in the record type.

  5. Click Download .xlsx Template.

    The Excel template saves to your local machine.

Prepare data in the template

  1. Open the downloaded template and go to the records worksheet.

    The names of the Excel template and the record worksheet has the following format:

    • Template: <record type name> Record Importer Sheet. For example, Finding Record Importer Sheet.
    • Worksheet: RecordType-<record type ID>. For example, RecordType-5979208.
  2. Copy and paste or enter your data into the template. For help with entering data, see Tips for preparing content.
    • If you use Add-In for Excel, ensure the ACL Add-In option is disabled before modifying the Excel template. To learn how to do it, see Configuring Add-In for Excel.
    • Do not change the name of the worksheet or the fields. These are case sensitive and must not be modified.
    • The maximum number of rows that can be uploaded at once is 2000 (including all the worksheets).



    Specifies a unique ID for the resource. This must be unique for each row in the worksheet.

    It can contain a combination of text and numbers, and the maximum length is 255 characters.

    This field is the primary key for each row in the template. You will need this key if you want to update this resource again.


    Reference IDs are required when you add or update resources using the Bulk Importer. They are not available when you add / update resources from the user interface of Diligent One.



    Specifies the name of the asset record.



    Specifies the ID of the parent.

    This can be either an asset ID or a asset record ID, depending on the type of record you want to add:

    • If you want to add a root record, provide an asset ID.
    • If you want to add a child record, provide an asset record ID.

    The ID is available in the URL, for example: 

    , where 1584699219383099 is the asset ID.



    Specifies the ID of the parent object type.

    This can be either an asset type ID or a record type ID, depending on the type of record you want to add:

    • If you want to add a root record, provide an asset type ID.
    • If you want to add a child record, provide a record type ID.

    The ID is available in the URL, for example: 

    , where 5979208 is the record type ID.

  3. Fill in the other fields based on your requirement.
    • Based on the record type selected, the template will contain only those fields that are configured in the record type.
    • The referenceId, name, parent_id, and parent_objectTypeID are the only mandatory fields. The other red-marked fields are conditionally mandatory, they may be required at a certain workflow status, as the record goes through its workflow cycle.
    • If any field value begins with a square bracket or contains a comma, semicolon, or a line break, enclose it in double quotation marks (" ").
    • If the template contains a dropdown field, the options in the dropdown list appear only for the first row. To get those options for more rows, copy the first row and paste it to the rows required.
  4. Save and close the template.

Tips for preparing content

Preparing content involves:

  • copying and pasting your source data into the Excel template
  • entering data, where applicable, in the Excel template
  • saving the template in preparation for bulk upload

Upload data

Do one of the following:

  • Drag and drop the template into the browser window.
  • Click Choose from your computer and select the updated template from your computer.

    Only one Excel template can be uploaded at a time (each file is validated separately).

  • Result A success or failure message appears depending on the outcome of the process, and the latest session is updated in the Sessions table.

Sessions in Bulk Importer

A session in the Bulk Importer is a series of user interactions to import Diligent One resources. Each user session is recorded in the Sessions table.

The Sessions table contains the following information.

Field Name


Web Sessions

Shows the list of web sessions.

A web session refers to a session completed using the Bulk Importer user interface. A new session begins each time you open the Bulk Importer page.

API Sessions

Shows the list of API sessions.

An API session refers to a session completed using an API platform such as Postman, etc.


Reloads the Sessions table.

Session ID

Session identifier.

In Web Sessions, you can click on the session ID to go to a particular session, and the session ID is appended to the URL.

For example: https://stark.bulkimporter.highbond.com/import/bcc1e04e-4cd3-46d2-a8be-0b9083baccdc, where
bcc1e04e-4cd3-46d2-a8be-0b9083baccdc is the session ID.


Session IDs of both the web and API sessions look similar, ensure not to interchange the IDs to avoid any errors.


Shows the date and time of the session. You can sort the date in ascending or descending order.

Uploaded By

Shows the name of the user.


Shows the status of the upload, if it was successful or not.

You can click on the status to view the complete import details.

File Name

Shows the name of the uploaded template / error log. For example: HighBond_Template.xlsx, ErrorLog.xlsx.

Template You can click and download the template to correct any previously uploaded data.

Error log An error log is generated when an upload fails. You can check the error log to rectify the errors and re-upload the template.

  • The template and error log are available for download for up to 18 months from the date of upload.
  • The link to download the template is available for the Bulk Importer sessions beginning May 13, 2022. You cannot download the template for the sessions prior to this date.

Update existing asset records in bulk

You can update multiple items at once in Bulk Importer using sessions.


You can only update resources that you have uploaded using Bulk Importer.


You can download and check the error log from the Sessions table. Understand common bulk upload errors and learn how to fix errors.

The following table provides a list of possible errors that may occur when uploading the template.

Error Solution(s)
There may be more than 2000 rows in the uploaded file (including all the worksheets). Remove the extra rows from the template and re-upload.
Mandatory fields may be blank or missing in the uploaded file. Ensure that all mandatory fields (marked with red and orange column names in the template) are completed.

If you do not provide data in the mandatory fields, the row is not processed.

Data format may be incorrect.

Ensure that data in text fields is valid and does not exceed the maximum field length: 255 characters.

Rich text fields do not have a character limit.

Data values may be invalid or may not match the dropdown values.

For example: The value for received and sendRecurrentNotifications fields in the Requests sheet must be True or False.

Invalid fields in the template.
  • Do not add new fields to the template.
  • Do not remove fields from the template.
Template may not be in expected format.

Ensure the file format is .xlsx.

Invalid worksheet names.

Do not change the name of the worksheet.

Session may have expired.

Refresh the page and try uploading again.

Session ID may be invalid. Ensure you are using a web session ID.